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archer9234 said:
palou said:

It's really never NOT POSSIBLE to get somewhere because you don't have enough stamina, it usually just requires good play and creativity. (example: create yourself an updraft, look for easier roots, find a platform to jump off of, use octobaloons to create a temporary airship, etc...)

I just started the game. I decided to get a extra heart container, over stamina. I wanted to unlock the Hanteo tower. I couldn't get to the first ledge. The barb spikes make you take longer. Because, I ran out of stamina. By an inch. I wasted all that time, getting to the tower. My horse AI calling, screwing up. It went somewhere else. And got blocked. So I had to walk there manually. All because I picked a heart container.

This individual climbs the Hateno tower without any stamina upgrades (in the end):

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