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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What game do you think will be GOTY 2008?


But MGS always gets jipped for GotY, so LBP, Spore, and Starcraft II are other possible GotY winners.

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for wii brawl
for ps3 mgs4
for 360 i dont know

Nintendo Network ID: Sherlock99

RolStoppable said:
After the debacle that were last year's GotY awards (Metroid Prime 3: Corruption only getting a nominee from gametrailers, but from nobody else), I have lost faith in GotY awards and their future.

I'm going to have to agree with RolStoppable here. These days these kind of awards are just meaningless these days. In the end, whichever game that gave you the most fun is the GOTY for us. We don't need to argue over what many of these game reviewers have to say because in the end they are just like us with their own faves. Why do we need to trust them for? Just go to them for hints at what are possible good games to play and call it a day.

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I am a name is hard is that? (Don't ask about the 101...apparantely there are more of me out there....)

For me personally im going to say Ninja Gaiden 2 will be my GOTY by a million miles.

Games with a good shot at GOTY awards

Fable 2 (really depends how well the co-op goes I think)
Starcraft 2

I would say Gta4, MGS4, spore and starcraft are the main contenders though. I get this feeling game sites are going to moan that GeoW2 hasn't changed enough (yet funnily it will probably change more than starcraft to starcraft 2 and MGS3 to 4). Maybe if gears has all the stuff in the tech demo, destructible environments, hundreds of enemies possible then it could be up there though. Would definetly put a dent in MGS4 chances if it's being compared to GeoW2 and gears has incredibly interactive environments.

Brawl I can see getting nominations as I suspect a lot of editors will likely still be playing it whenever friends come over. Spore because it's innovative. SC2 because it's SC2, will definetly win every single award in Korea.

Turkish says and I'm allowed to quote that: Uncharted 3 and God Of War 3 look better than Unreal Engine 4 games will or the tech demo does. Also the Naughty Dog PS3 ENGINE PLAYS better than the UE4 ENGINE.

I said it last year, and I'll say it this year: it depends on the genre.

Like fighters? Brawl or Street Fighter IV
Like shooters? Resistance 2 or Gears 2
Like GTA (and its clones)? GTA IV
Like RPGs? Something on the PC probably...

I find the habit of declaring a single game as the best of the year, regardless of genre, incredibly silly and futile. One game wasn't as far above the rest to earn the title last year, and there sure as heck won't be one this year. I have my own favorites, but aknowledge readily that they're too niche to be called GOTY by anyone.

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the goty
doesn't have anything to do with genres


makingmusic476 said:

But MGS always gets jipped for GotY, so LBP, Spore, and Starcraft II are other possible GotY winners.

 Not this time, THE POWER OF THE CELL will help it win GOTY.

What won game of the year last year? Is there some kind of consensus? Because there wasn't a game that everyone voted game of the year. There were a few big ones, namely Mario Galaxy, COD4, and Portal that won alot of GOTY awards, but you can't really say there was a "game of the year" last year. And it's highly highly unlikely there will be this year either.

And hindsight helps alot. Anything not released yet is godlike, and anything out already is at best great, but flawed. We as gamers buy into hype unlike any other consumer base. If Gamepro wrote an article about how FFXIII is the game of the decade based entirely off of a small video clip and some screens, we'd shit our pants and eat it up. We're that willing to believe in hype.

You can find me on facebook as Markus Van Rijn, if you friend me just mention you're from VGchartz and who you are here.

pakidan101 said:
RolStoppable said:
After the debacle that were last year's GotY awards (Metroid Prime 3: Corruption only getting a nominee from gametrailers, but from nobody else), I have lost faith in GotY awards and their future.

I'm going to have to agree with RolStoppable here. These days these kind of awards are just meaningless these days. In the end, whichever game that gave you the most fun is the GOTY for us. We don't need to argue over what many of these game reviewers have to say because in the end they are just like us with their own faves. Why do we need to trust them for? Just go to them for hints at what are possible good games to play and call it a day.

 I agree. Mp3 should have been at least nominated more. I say kid icarus if it is good, or some other nintendo ip. 

Metal Gear Solid 4.

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