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What won game of the year last year? Is there some kind of consensus? Because there wasn't a game that everyone voted game of the year. There were a few big ones, namely Mario Galaxy, COD4, and Portal that won alot of GOTY awards, but you can't really say there was a "game of the year" last year. And it's highly highly unlikely there will be this year either.

And hindsight helps alot. Anything not released yet is godlike, and anything out already is at best great, but flawed. We as gamers buy into hype unlike any other consumer base. If Gamepro wrote an article about how FFXIII is the game of the decade based entirely off of a small video clip and some screens, we'd shit our pants and eat it up. We're that willing to believe in hype.

You can find me on facebook as Markus Van Rijn, if you friend me just mention you're from VGchartz and who you are here.