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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo Switch Presentation - Rating and your impressions?



10 65 8.72%
9 46 6.17%
8 99 13.29%
7 100 13.42%
6 87 11.68%
5 97 13.02%
4 78 10.47%
3 71 9.53%
2 28 3.76%
1 74 9.93%

Anyone know which High School film club they got to handle video production?

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JRPGfan said:
Super_Boom said:
For me, a solid 8.

Games blew me away, and that's my primary motivation to purchase. Paid online was a dissapointment, but I'm mostly interested in the single player experiences currently anyway. Battery life is lame...but only a bit worse than my whatever.

Super hyped for SMT, FE Warriors, Xenoblade 2 and Zelda.

2.5hours for a normal game, and upto 6 hours if its some small 2D spirt based indie game.

SMT is just barely started production... so thats 2-3years away.

FE warriors, xenoblade 2 arnt first year titles either.

Zelda you can play on your Wii U.


This wasnt a 8 out of 10.

I'd say that was the biggest concern. The seemingly lack of announced titles. The system looks cool, looks intuitive, the presentation was fun and stylish. But where are the titles?

and newsflash Nintendo: showing like 2 game teases but only a fraction of a second of footage (i.e. Fire Emble sword being pulled out) is not the sort of thing that is going to hype up people in a GAME SYSTEM PRESENTATION. Like it makes it seem like A) there aren't a lot of titles coming out for the Switch, and B) that the titles that are coming in many cases are VERY early in development 

JRPGfan said:

2.5hours for a normal game, and upto 6 hours if its some small 2D spirt based indie game.

SMT is just barely started production... so thats 2-3years away.

FE warriors, xenoblade 2 arnt first year titles either.

Zelda you can play on your Wii U.


This wasnt a 8 out of 10.

I wasn't aware I was giving JRPGfan's opinion. 

Your first line is speculation. My 3DS will barely last three hours with all functions enabled (max brightness, 3D, and online), and around 6 with those disabled. I'll assume it's similar in this case. If not, well, a link would be appreciated.

And I'll reserve my right to be excited for games I plan to play. Sorry that not everyone shares your do realize what this thread is right?

NNID: Zephyr25 / PSN: Zephyr--25 / Switch: SW-4450-3680-7334

JRPGfan said:
Super_Boom said:
For me, a solid 8.

Games blew me away, and that's my primary motivation to purchase. Paid online was a dissapointment, but I'm mostly interested in the single player experiences currently anyway. Battery life is lame...but only a bit worse than my whatever.

Super hyped for SMT, FE Warriors, Xenoblade 2 and Zelda.

2.5hours for a normal game, and upto 6 hours if its some small 2D spirt based indie game.

SMT is just barely started production... so thats 2-3years away.

FE warriors, xenoblade 2 arnt first year titles either.

Zelda you can play on your Wii U.


This wasnt a 8 out of 10

It's better to not make any assumptions on when the games will be released, because we don't really know a lot about them...

Jumpin said:

I liked Kimishima's portions, but it reminded me of the Apple conference where too many people came out to talk about stuff details people weren't interested in hearing. But I am upset the conference was all in Japanese, it should have been much more visual with more pre-recorded videos, and less talking and explaining stuff that is easy to just show in a much shorter time frame.

Also, it would have been a lot better to show all the games that will be ready for launch. The presentation made it look like only Zelda was going to be available for the console at launch, and otherwise a complete drought. That is not the how Nintendo should have put their first foot forward with the Switch presence to the media.

exactly. I imagine a lot of people were like me, waiting the whole entire presentation for a brief list of launch titles. But it never came. the only game that a March 3rd release date was attached to was "Zelda". And even then at the end Nintendo hyped it up like "you fans should be really appreciative and happy that Zelda is coming out at launch". like seriously Nintendo? that game has been in development for foreverrrrrr

at the end of the presentation I was sort of in shock that there was nothing more. I mean how hard would it have been for Nintendo to resurrect something like Pokemon Snap or F Zero with a new game? A photography or racing game just would not (relatively speaking) take that much effort compared to some things.

Around the Network
mountaindewslave said:
Kerotan said:
4/10 very dissapointed. Nintendo had very limited output of high quality console games for the last couple of years of the Wii U. I thought they'd have a tidal wave of titles ready for launch. Too high a price with paid online and expensive accessories. Not impressed.

agree with this 100%. They Wii U had like nothing come out the last year or two, so most of us assumed that there were tons of Switch projects being worked on. The possibility that they will only launch with Zelda (essentially) is just insane.

and also the potential that they have still ignored tentpole franchises (in reality they are for Nintendo fans) like a new remodeled Animal Crossing, a new style Pikmin, F-Zero, some sort of home console Pokemon game, Metroid, etc.

I mean for god's sake, how hard could it be for Nintendo to make a new Pokemon Snap 2 or something? a game were you simply take photos of Pokemon in a challenging way with like current gen graphics (like imagine going through a vacation Hawaii area that looked HD as fuck, and you randomly see a Gyrados in the water and have to photograph it) would sell like hotcakes and be a big system seller

I don't know who is in charge of software development for Nintendo but this is insane. Sorry folks, Zelda+ Mario and something like a Splatoon sequel were a GIVEN. like absolutely already a given

where are the surprise returned franchises? where are the new IPs? have Nintendo's development teams fallen asleep. Seriously, Nintendo has a bunch of random high quality software teams- what have they been doing? worked on E shop titles?

frustrated. I hope to god Nintendo announces some more stuff overthe next few days at their live play events or whatever, because while the presentation was fun the software is just so underwhelming.

I never thought for a second that the official Switch Presentation would should basically NO new games outside of the announcement trailer (which had Zelda, Skyrim, Ea sports games, etc.)

I mean for gods sake the only exciting thing was maybe the Fire Emblem Dynasty Warriors tease and we just saw the sword getting pulled and fade to black? I am baffled

So I guess we're not caring about E3 like Nintendo "apparently" doesn't. Then we also got the Treehouse Live stuff tomorrow and other livestreams for the games. They weren't clear on the launch titles, let alone what we'll get overall  in the first year, besides Mario, Zelda, 1-2-Switch, Splatoon 2, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, etc.

VGPolyglot said:
One thing that this presentation did was really make me wonder...Why did the Wii U have such big droughts for this? It doesn't seem like there's the influx of games that would have been expected.

Well they didn't show everything did they for example hardly any Mario kart shown 

5/10 Just not enough games there. There was enough to sell through 2 million switches, but Nintendo better have E3 JAM PACKED with games. I'm sure they know they have to have games at E3. This was just a smaller launch event.

299...that's not the price people were all. I can get a PS4 for that. There's just too much useless tech in the joycon controllers. And there's too much emphasis on the controllers. We're done with 2006 Nintendo, MOVE ON.

The fuckin' dude who was talking about grasshoppers? Who the hell was he? Why did he talk so long about absolutely nothing?

Mario...why is he in a real world setting with poorly rendered humans? Cool game but please Mario Adventure DX.

Mario Kart 8 Deluxe...that's cool I guess. No Smash all... No actual footage of either Dragon Quest game... except for HEroes 1 and 2 at the end...

There's just too much negatives at this point. I'm hyped for Zelda, I'm buying a Switch just for Zelda and Dragon Quest XI at this point.

Volterra_90 said:
JRPGfan said:

2.5hours for a normal game, and upto 6 hours if its some small 2D spirt based indie game.

SMT is just barely started production... so thats 2-3years away.

FE warriors, xenoblade 2 arnt first year titles either.

Zelda you can play on your Wii U.


This wasnt a 8 out of 10

It's better to not make any assumptions on when the games will be released, because we don't really know a lot about them...

I mean Xenoblade 2 looked really choppy and early in development IMO. Fire Emblem Warriors didn't show ANY footage. I think its safe to be concerned about either coming in 2017.

when you start to think about it the only titles that seem likely for 2017 at this point besides Zelda/Mario appear to be essentially rereleases. Skyrim, Fifa, Splatoon 2.0, Mario Kart remaster, etc.

I find it worrying

pokoko said:
Anyone know which High School film club they got to handle video production?

Or which high school they hired the translator from.