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Ka-pi96 said:
Since we're talking about the slurs... how is redneck a religious slur?

It's similar to the word wetback, it's meant to be demeaning to them for doing manual labour (and I guess being considered intellectually inferior as a result).

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Ka-pi96 said:

IIRC the word "Jap" is considered an insult due to it's use during WW2. As for your examples "Japanimation" is a single word originating from a combination of "Japan" and "animation" so the "Jap" part of it has no relation to the derogatory term, it's also largely been replaced by "Anime" now anyway. As for the other one, why not just use "Japanese" instead, that's the correct demonym.

Because this instance is bordering on PC territory and that's a red flag to me.

Also as I said I do not see or mean any insult in that word.

And finally pretty much every racial derogatory word is different from the normal word it's supposed to be an insult to, whereas "Jap" is NOT different, it's short for Jap (anese), same first letters from the full word, it's more of an abbreviation than an insult and as such it has no relation to derogatory terms like "chink" or "kike".

This is why I am surprised to hear it could be considered an insult.

In any case, as agreed with mods, context is key.


I was reading the updated rules and i got a question related to this line:

"Insulting a person's religion, religious beliefs, race, sex, sexuality, nationality, political beliefs, gaming preferences, etc. Debate is encouraged, as is civil disagreement, but respect the beliefs and opinions of others."

So, i see insulting people's beliefs, but does this include Atheism? Because i find things like "god will show you!", "you are going to hell!" and related comments from believers as highly offensive. So, what i'm saying is that both Religious belief and disbelief should be respected. Not just one.

VGPolyglot said:
Ka-pi96 said:
Since we're talking about the slurs... how is redneck a religious slur?

It's similar to the word wetback, it's meant to be demeaning to them for doing manual labour (and I guess being considered intellectually inferior as a result).

Wait, "redneck" is an insult too?

First it's NOT a religious slur, a redneck refers to an uncouth, unrefined, uneducated countryside person. There's even a band called the Rednecks but spelled "Rednex" and NOBODY is upset about it or insulted. I'm pretty sure if there was a band called "the niggas" there would be outrage because that word is obviously derogatory.

As for "wetback" it makes reference to Mexicans (or Latinos in general) crossing the Rio Grande to enter the USA illegally. Whether those end up doing manual labor or end up being doctors is only derivative meaning to that word. But it could be considered an insult though it does not refer to a race. Still using that word will most certainly mean the person does not like Mexicans or Latinos so that word should be moderated but Redneck?  I don't know.

Last edited by CrazyGamer2017 - on 04 June 2018

CGI-Quality said:
Nem said:
I was reading the updated rules and i got a question related to this line:

"Insulting a person's religion, religious beliefs, race, sex, sexuality, nationality, political beliefs, gaming preferences, etc. Debate is encouraged, as is civil disagreement, but respect the beliefs and opinions of others."

So, i see insulting people's beliefs, but does this include Atheism? Because i find things like "god will show you!", "you are going to hell!" and related comments from believers as highly offensive. So, what i'm saying is that both Religious belief and disbelief should be respected. Not just one.

Respect Atheists in the same way that they must respect you. So, your examples would earn someone who identifies as 'Atheist' a Moderation.


I meant, a religious person saying that to an Atheist. As in threatning with their versions of reckoning, etc. But, i suspect the answer is the same. So, good to hear.

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CrazyGamer2017 said:
Ka-pi96 said:

IIRC the word "Jap" is considered an insult due to it's use during WW2. As for your examples "Japanimation" is a single word originating from a combination of "Japan" and "animation" so the "Jap" part of it has no relation to the derogatory term, it's also largely been replaced by "Anime" now anyway. As for the other one, why not just use "Japanese" instead, that's the correct demonym.

Because this instance is bordering on PC territory and that's a red flag to me.

Also as I said I do not see or mean any insult in that word.

And finally pretty much every racial derogatory word is different from the normal word it's supposed to be an insult to, whereas "Jap" is NOT different, it's short for Jap (anese), same first letters from the full word, it's more of an abbreviation than an insult and as such it has no relation to derogatory terms like "chink" or "kike".

This is why I am surprised to hear it could be considered an insult.

In any case, as agreed with mods, context is key.


It might be different in Europe than in North America. In North America the term Jap is seen as offensive due to its association with World War II and the treatment of people with Japanese ancestry in Canada an the United States (being sent to internment camps).

At first, I thought people were being silly about this then I saw jew, redneck and jap then I changed my mind. Jew is not a slur in any context. Redneck is not even related to religion. Its a term for country people thats used by country people. Not a slur. Jap is just shorthand for Japanese and it's used by everyone especially in relation to anime and video games. The only time it was considered a slur was around WW2.

Bristow9091 said:
Nem said:
I was reading the updated rules and i got a question related to this line:

"Insulting a person's religion, religious beliefs, race, sex, sexuality, nationality, political beliefs, gaming preferences, etc. Debate is encouraged, as is civil disagreement, but respect the beliefs and opinions of others."

So, i see insulting people's beliefs, but does this include Atheism? Because i find things like "god will show you!", "you are going to hell!" and related comments from believers as highly offensive. So, what i'm saying is that both Religious belief and disbelief should be respected. Not just one.

Yeah, being an Atheist will come under religious beliefs, Christians believe in one god, Atheists believe in no god... pretty close if you ask me, lol. But yeah don't worry, it also covers Atheists too. 

You mean Atheist

Also I am one and I do not "believe" in no God. There is a fundamental contradiction in considering the absence of God as a belief. My "religious" conclusions come from philosophical reflections, logic, common sense and knowledge. If a religious person actually showed me a God, physically appearing in front of me and scientifically measurable then I would conclude that a God exists. If I believed in no God, I would deny physical and scientific proof of the existence of such a God and in that case I would be just as illogical as a religious person can be.

So in common language and phrasing I could say I "believe" there is no God but I don't literally mean that I believe whereas religious people literally mean it when they say they believe in a God.

Last edited by Bristow9091 - on 04 June 2018

Aeolus451 said:
At first, I thought people were being silly about this then I saw jew, redneck and jap then I changed my mind. Jew is not a slur in any context. Redneck is not even related to religion. Its a term for country people thats used by country people. Not a slur. Jap is just shorthand for Japanese and it's used by everyone especially in relation to anime and video games. The only time it was considered a slur was around WW2.

I hear people use the word Jap as a negative connotation still, same with gook and chink to refer to Asians in a derogatory way. As for redneck, it's not inherently a religious term but it is a term with negative connotations, yes there are those who are self-described "niggas", despite that being an obviously derogatory term. Some people also use Jew as a way to call people stingy/greedy, which is definitely a slur.

An amazing freethinker called George Carlin puts it so well...

Last edited by CrazyGamer2017 - on 04 June 2018