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RolStoppable said:
VGPolyglot said:

It seems like a false equivalence, I'd say that extreme racism and extreme anti-racism aren't equally bad.

They probably aren't, but the result in discussions - drawn out suffocating debates because of unreasonable people - is the same.

Am i missing the point but you didnt claim they were in that first post....

 "I think people should define the word crap" - Kirby007

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Azuren said:
VGPolyglot said:

It seems like a false equivalence, I'd say that extreme racism and extreme anti-racism aren't equally bad.

Extreme racism is easy. Guy is being extremely racist. That's it, punish as necessary from there.


Extreme anti-racism, though? I'm sure it finds a bunch of closet racists who weren't hurting anyone, which you could take or leave how you will. I'm equally sure that normal people who misspoke are occasionally punished as severely as those unironically dropping N bombs. But the big problem with extreme anti-racists is most of them have no fucking idea what racism is.

If people were closest racists though nobody would know. I'm not saying that people with racist tendencies are automatically bad, but I do think racism itself is a bad ideology, and if people express that ideology it should be countered.

RolStoppable said:
kirby007 said:

Am i missing the point but you didnt claim they were in that first post....

I am unsure myself what VGPolyglot's real concern is. Taking his latest post into account, he seems to equate people who speak up against racists with people who are obsessively politically correct.

Yes, I do equate them.

RolStoppable said:
VGPolyglot said:

Yes, I do equate them.

Then you are crazy.

If you strongly respond to someone who said that black people should not be allowed to breed anymore, then you aren't politically correct, you are merely not sick in the head.

What do you mean by politically correct, then?

RolStoppable said:
VGPolyglot said:

Yes, I do equate them.

Then you are crazy.

If you strongly respond to someone who said that black people should not be allowed to breed anymore, then you aren't politically correct, you are merely not sick in the head.

I know thats why i was suprised you didnt go ham


Edit quite sure i quoted the post before

 "I think people should define the word crap" - Kirby007

Join the Prediction League

Instead of seeking to convince others, we can be open to changing our own minds, and seek out information that contradicts our own steadfast point of view. Maybe it’ll turn out that those who disagree with you actually have a solid grasp of the facts. There’s a slight possibility that, after all, you’re the one who’s wrong.

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VGPolyglot said:
RolStoppable said:

Then you are crazy.

If you strongly respond to someone who said that black people should not be allowed to breed anymore, then you aren't politically correct, you are merely not sick in the head.

What do you mean by politically correct, then?

I think he is talking about extreme people like the person who said if you think blacks are better at basketball, then you are being racists when it's obvious they are better, just look up top 10 nba players. better yet, the race percentage in the NBA it's 74% blacks.

quickrick said:
VGPolyglot said:

What do you mean by politically correct, then?

I think he is talking about extreme people like the person who said if you think blacks are better at basketball, then you are being racists when it's obvious they are better, just look up top 10 nba players. better yet, the race percentage in the NBA it's 74% blacks.

I think the issue with that is that it doesn't go deep enough into why they're better, and the socio-economic circumstances that would have led to that situation.

I think we should make a poll out of this

 "I think people should define the word crap" - Kirby007

Join the Prediction League

Instead of seeking to convince others, we can be open to changing our own minds, and seek out information that contradicts our own steadfast point of view. Maybe it’ll turn out that those who disagree with you actually have a solid grasp of the facts. There’s a slight possibility that, after all, you’re the one who’s wrong.

kirby007 said:
I think we should make a poll out of this

Knock yourself out.

RolStoppable said:

Double jeopardy should apply here, so even if you are found to be a racist, you wouldn't get moderated now.

I've read a bit through the thread that provided the initial evidence for the accusation that you are a racist. Your entry point to the discussion was in defense of Slimebeast who had come under fire for being a racist. Since your defense of the superiority of certain races was spread across many, many posts, there's no reason to believe that you were joking about your point of view. A more recent post of yours where you request to shift a conversation to PMs because of fear that you could get banned further supports the accusation that you are a racist.

I'll address the accusation of racism later but whether you believe or not I was being sarcastic about my post is everyone else's end of the problem and there's a common presumption of "innocent until proven guilty" in courts so it should be applied here in this case as well and me requesting a shift to the discussion towards PMs should not be taken as proof of racism either ... 

Much less, VGP never engaged with me in private after that post ... 

RolStoppable said:

You explain this by saying that the demographics of this website are at fault, but I'd say the issue is that you are a racist. You know that the term 'racist' has exclusively negative connotations, so of course you don't want to be called a racist. You say that you don't have any defined criteria or a consensus of what is superiority, but that didn't stop you from declaring superiority, including your own, roughly one year ago. Now of course people can change their mind over time, but the more recent post of yours (linked in the previous paragraph) is only one month old. The observable change is not that your mind has changed, but rather that your awareness of what is and what is not acceptable to say has increased.

That's just your jump in logic, I've never faulted this community and I always knew that the term racist had negative connotations even before joining this site so that aspect on my end didn't change from the start ... 

And I truly don't have enough knowledge to comment on what is or isn't "superior" but I've always presented statistics but that doesn't mean it should be conflated as racism ... 

RolStoppable said: 

VGC is not NeoGAF nor ResetEra, two websites that are infamous for getting rid of people who don't subscribe to far left leaning politics. VGC actually barely moderates political discussion. Despite that, you still manage to find yourself repeatedly in trouble. It's not the mod team or the community that is at fault here, it's your fault alone.

I've only gotten moderated 3 times I think for similar instances in the political threads and up until recently I haven't been moderated for OVER a year (Back when StarOcean was a mod!) for a similar offense so what do you even mean by that assertion ? 

And the post that both you and VGP were referring to that I got moderated for was also OVER 1 year ago so obviously I DID change my attitude and style ... (Feburary 17th, 2017!)

RolStoppable said: 

The one thing that bothers me the most is that you call VGPolyglot's tactics underhanded. That's incredibly detached from reality. The definition of 'underhanded' is something that is done in secret and commonly also dishonest, but everything VGPolyglot did is in plain sight and backed up with evidence. You are employing a Donald Trump tactic where you try to discredit others with unsubstantiated and false accusations, but that's not going to work on VGC.

What VGP is doing is underhanded since he's trying to bait me by getting the mods to backseat moderate me and I only just realized from past few posts that he's trying to remove from this community ...