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CGI-Quality said:

You say the point of it was to deflate an exaggeration, but there are plenty of people who do that without resorting to telling others to "Oh shut up". On top of that, it is usually at the discretion of the moderator(s), even after a set amount of time, if you receive a Warning or Ban. In your case, history is another issue. After someone has been moderated for similar behavior a number of times, they start to go beyond PMs/Warnings. 

Next, the "Political Thread" talk is another moment where it is at the discretion of the moderator. Just because those topics can become toxic doesn't give you an open opportunity to up the ante. I may have even been a little easier about it if you guys were already in a disupte, but you quoted him with that. It came off as more personal, at that point, and several other mods also saw it. Your tone in there, overall, was somewhat aggressive (which wasn't that serious), but when you needlessly told TargaryenVers2 to "Oh shut up", that was a bit much.

Could I have said it better? Yeah. Does "Oh shut up" count as such an extremity that it deserves a ban because it's not the best wording? You're the mod so that's for you to decide I guess, but I think the logical answer is no. 

I understand that the set time is up to the discretion of a mod, which I think is fair. However, I don't agree with the "similar behavior numerous times" point. When I got moderated you made a note that I "should have known better by now". When I first joined this site, I thought it was just like any other forum and that saying extreme stuff wouldn't get moderation. After I learned that that wasn't how the site went, I decided to tone it down. I honestly don't know how I was magically supposed to know that "oh shut up" is something that would get me banned, especially because my previous bans specifically came from being extremely inflammatory. This wasn't a case of me not learning my lesson from my first few bans and then getting a fair ban, this is a case of me going 7 and a half months without a ban and not knowing that a ban would be distributed for something as mudane as shut up.

The political thread part was just a point, not excusing the behavior. I don't see how saying shut up is "upping the ante". Again, I feel like this is a part where I have to ask if there's always been a rule where shut up is ban worthy. Even if it came off as a bit personal or a bit much, that seems like an extreme jump in logic from "ah can you tone it down a tad" to "banned 3 days  - why didn't you know better?". 

I know the response will be that this is all to your discretion, and I get that. But it just doesn't seem fair and it seems like you guys go a long way to get feedback or disputes, so I just wanted to state it for the record. In the past I've really reflected on my bans as my fault and I admit that my moderation history is a big reason I took a 5 month hiatus from the site, and then came back with an alt. It's embarrassing how bad I used to be. But I don't think this really reflects that. I know it's annoying to have someone question your moderation with long replies but I really only take it seriously because that seems to be how the progressive ban system is set up.

I also want to say that the fact that I was moderated when he replied with "Short of a ban, you can't get me to shut up" is a little too ironic for my liking. Not going to say that that was your intention but it's very odd.

RolStoppable said:

You are correct on all accounts. Reading the rest of the exchange you had with that person shows no escalation from either side, nor any signs that he was offended by your "Oh shut up." Your arguments were indeed bad in the moderated post as well as the subsequent ones, but nonsense doesn't tend to get moderated on VGC. You had already received enough punishment by getting smacked down with reason while you were flinging terrible arguments in hopes that something might stick.

Your arguments were so bad that I might have moderated you for stupidity and high level ignorance, but I am not a mod, so that's purely hypothetical. Given how bad your arguments in that thread were, you might consider to be at least a little bit grateful for an unjust ban that ultimately helped you to not embarrass yourself any further.

That's fair enough I guess. But like you said, stupidity is not moderated here, and for good reason. 

I will say that I've gone back and really changed my viewpoint, but even if I am stupid that shouldn't change anything.

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CGI-Quality said:

Context is key, yes, but telling someone to "shut up" is both rude and inflammatory, especially when he wasn't even speaking to you. Call it mundane, if you'd like. Doesn't change that you shouldn't have said it.

On the other hand, was a 3-Day ban a little harsh? I might say so looking back on it - but it's something every party involved can learn from, including me. 

He wasn't speaking to me? He was generalizing anyone who was defending it and was white. 

I don't think automatically associating "oh shut up"(that oh is important) with inflammatory is really a good idea, but even then does every comment that's rude and inflammatory, even to the smallest degree, get a ban on VGChartz? If context is so important to moderation, then why aren't posts that are inflammatory but don't have specifically inflammatory wording not get a moderation? 

It's a great learning experience I suppose but it is a learning experience where only one person gets punished for the learning experience. If an unfair moderation is given there's no guarantee it won't happen again because there's no consequences for unfair moderation and/or no conseltation for unfair moderation. I can't say I believe this will be a great learning experience when all that's going to happen is that i'll be punished for it and we'll just shake it off like nothing happened. 

I also have to ask, why isn't the entire conversation put in precedence? If this dude didn't take nearly any offense at all, why should you be upset about it? Even if it was offensive at first which I doubt, the relaxed tone from there on out practically  sorted any misconceptions out. 

CGI-Quality said:

I wasn't upset and haven't been (giving moderations =/= the moderator in question is upset). I'm just telling you what was wrong with the post. You did inquire, after all.

Okay. I didn't mean upset really, just as though you had to take action. Now I would like to inquire about my other questionss.

CGI-Quality said:


No, he wasn't speaking directly to you and he didn't imply that anyone defending it was white. 
Huh? I wasn't saying he was implying that people were defending it were white, I was saying that he came with a viewpoint that minimized people who were white and defending it, as if they have a less valid perspective. Of course that's not really that important in the grand scheme of things.

Not every inflammatory comment will be moderated, no, but that also depends on the context/history/poster.

I've already made my case for this so w/e. I think the reason why I don't get this is that, I went from making posts that would offend almost anyone in any context, to a post that seems very hard to find offense in. So I don't know why I should have seen that moderation coming.

You were going to be moderated, regardless of the ban length. I think a 1-Day or a Warning would have also worked.

I'm very confused. When I looked at the moderation when I wasn't logged in it said 2 days I believe, but now that I looked back on it it says 3 days. I got banned around early 9/11 I believe, and got unbanned on the 13th. Should I have been banned yesterday?

How do you know that he didn't take any offense?

Should people be banned because someone took offense in all situations, or situations where offense is barely implied and has to be interpreted? His demeanor throughout the convo was chill and it seemed obvious he didn't take offense. Though even if he did, I'd question if that justifies action. I can get offended by stuff at times, that doesn't make me the reasonable party. If there were any misconceptions about my intent towards him, they were definitely cleared out naturally through an open dialogue. Which I think is much better than a moderation. 

CGI-Quality said:

- He did? Not the impression I got.

- We don't have a 2-Day ban. You probably logged in after the first day was up.

- I'm a sucker for open communication, but that doesn't apply in every situation. 


For some reason, your post broke my post a bit

Fair enough. I wasn't trying to say he was directing a comment towards me. He wasn't, but yeah I think it's pretty clear what you could gather from that comment. 

That's odd. I am pretty sure I got off scott free a day. 

Ok that is true.

I don't knokw what that means D : sorry

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CGI-Quality said:
AngryLittleAlchemist said:

Fair enough. I wasn't trying to say he was directing a comment towards me. He wasn't, but yeah I think it's pretty clear what you could gather from that comment. 

That's odd. I am pretty sure I got off scott free a day. 

Ok that is true.

I don't knokw what that means D : sorry

Happy to work with you. : )

I'm being completely serious when I say this. THANK YOU for responding! This has been more constructive than I could have imagined, for me particularly! : ) 

Now, this is a question I'm not sure if any of you have the answer to, but in at least May of this year ioi had the mod tag on this site. Now he doesn't. Was it a mod/admin that removed the tag from him, or did he do it himself perhaps? I guess I'm just a little curious

CGI-Quality said:
VGPolyglot said:
Now, this is a question I'm not sure if any of you have the answer to, but in at least May of this year ioi had the mod tag on this site. Now he doesn't. Was it a mod/admin that removed the tag from him, or did he do it himself perhaps? I guess I'm just a little curious

Probably did it to himself. 

That's a strange thing to do, come on to the site just to remove himself from the mod team!

Why was viv banned for so long? Did he not say recently he hadn't been moderated in a year?

Kerotan said:
Why was viv banned for so long? Did he not say recently he hadn't been moderated in a year?

Vivster got away with quite a lot of trolling lately. This ban is simply correcting that.