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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Digital Foundry: Nintendo Switch CPU and GPU clock speeds revealed

No Joke. This thing needs to be $149 at launch. Its even weaker than the Tegra X1 it was based on. Just the other day I could have bought a Xbox One S at $229. If Nintendo thinks they can swindle people for $249 then they are crazy.

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Captain_Yuri said:
daredevil.shark said:

In dock mode it's like Wii U (1/3 of Xbox one) and portable mode it's glorified PS Vita. No joke. Check other threads or neogaf.

Umm... According to neogaf...


Switch docked=393
Switch undocked=157

So no... It really isn't. Stop spreading nonsense please. Portable mode = wiiU, docked mode = 1/3 x1

Vita = 20 GF? I've seen numbers around 50 - 56 GF for it.

spemanig said:
bigtakilla said:

But they play Assassin's Creed IV.... Wasn't that the game we are talking about? I get what you're saying, it will play Nintendo games on a handheld at that resolution, but kind of disappointing home console primary players will have to deal with slightly better Wii U graphics for 5 more years because they wanted to rush a hybrid on the scene. And to think, one of the reasons they delayed the Switch was to give it more power presumably.

The rumor was that it was delayed for software, not hardware.

 "is worth stressing with a firm emphasis that everything we have heard so far points to Tegra X1 as the SoC of choice for Nintendo NX, and Tegra X2 may simply be a derivative version of X1 with Denver CPU cores, designed for Nvidia's burgeoning automotive line - we literally know very little about it. However, perhaps another factor to consider is launch timing. NX launches in March 2017, almost two years after Shield Android TV with Tegra X1 launched in May 2015. The timing may suggest that Nintendo is waiting for mass production to become available on a more cutting edge part. If the older Tegra X1 is indeed the core component, availability there would not be a problem, suggesting a delay elsewhere in the pipeline. Alternatively, it may simply be the case that Nintendo is holding fire until a compelling array of launch software is ready."

bigtakilla said:

But they play Assassin's Creed IV.... Wasn't that the game we are talking about? I get what you're saying, it will play Nintendo games on a handheld at that resolution, but kind of disappointing home console primary players will have to deal with slightly better Wii U graphics for 5 more years because they wanted to rush a hybrid on the scene. And to think, one of the reasons they delayed the Switch was to give it more power presumably.

Yeah, you do have a point but I don't think that they could bear supporting two different consoles (home and handheld) nowadays. That's the reason of this hybrid architecture. Besides handhelds are keeping Nintendo afloat for some years now so they needed to take a decision and the home console side was hurt unfortunatelly.


Conina said:
Captain_Yuri said:

Umm... According to neogaf...


Switch docked=393
Switch undocked=157

So no... It really isn't. Stop spreading nonsense please. Portable mode = wiiU, docked mode = 1/3 x1

Vita = 20 GF? I've seen numbers around 50 - 56 GF for it.


Yes, Vita is 51.2Gflops. not 20.

Around the Network
Miyamotoo said:
Stefan.De.Machtige said:
If true, this would mean a 200-250 price point which is nice. Power is disappointing but the price should be good.

Lower clocks does not effect on price point :)   Rumours saying price point is $249-299.

Actually yes it does.

Its easier to make chips that dont malfunktion, if they are running lower clock speeds.

299$ price might just kill the Switch's sales as a homeconsole.

Im hopeing Nintendo are able to sell this at 199$.

Conina said:
Captain_Yuri said:

Umm... According to neogaf...


Switch docked=393
Switch undocked=157

So no... It really isn't. Stop spreading nonsense please. Portable mode = wiiU, docked mode = 1/3 x1

Vita = 20 GF? I've seen numbers around 50 - 56 GF for it.

I know this isn't the Vita's power, but man the amount of GF for the 3DS is small (4.8 GF to be exact).

bigtakilla said:
spemanig said:

The rumor was that it was delayed for software, not hardware.

 "is worth stressing with a firm emphasis that everything we have heard so far points to Tegra X1 as the SoC of choice for Nintendo NX, and Tegra X2 may simply be a derivative version of X1 with Denver CPU cores, designed for Nvidia's burgeoning automotive line - we literally know very little about it. However, perhaps another factor to consider is launch timing. NX launches in March 2017, almost two years after Shield Android TV with Tegra X1 launched in May 2015. The timing may suggest that Nintendo is waiting for mass production to become available on a more cutting edge part. If the older Tegra X1 is indeed the core component, availability there would not be a problem, suggesting a delay elsewhere in the pipeline. Alternatively, it may simply be the case that Nintendo is holding fire until a compelling array of launch software is ready."

That's speculation on behalf of the author. That was never a claimed rumor. The rumor by Emily was that it was delayed to have more games ready in its first year to avoid droughts.

Captain_Yuri said:

Yea, I am hoping now more than ever that the battery is at least 5 hours. If it's 3 hours, I think they will have some issues.

And I love my 3ds too... Until my sister broke it T_T

Yeah, we had this rumour about the battery life a few days ago. Maybe this clock is the solution they've found. I'm OK with that.

I'm sorry to hear about your 3DS. May it rest in peace.

spemanig said:
bigtakilla said:

 "is worth stressing with a firm emphasis that everything we have heard so far points to Tegra X1 as the SoC of choice for Nintendo NX, and Tegra X2 may simply be a derivative version of X1 with Denver CPU cores, designed for Nvidia's burgeoning automotive line - we literally know very little about it. However, perhaps another factor to consider is launch timing. NX launches in March 2017, almost two years after Shield Android TV with Tegra X1 launched in May 2015. The timing may suggest that Nintendo is waiting for mass production to become available on a more cutting edge part. If the older Tegra X1 is indeed the core component, availability there would not be a problem, suggesting a delay elsewhere in the pipeline. Alternatively, it may simply be the case that Nintendo is holding fire until a compelling array of launch software is ready."

That's speculation on behalf of the author. That was never a claimed rumor. The rumor by Emily was that it was delayed to have more games ready in its first year to avoid droughts.

I never said the power thing was a rumor.