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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Do you think Nintendo will call Switch their 9th gen console?


Switch's console generation

8th gen 24 17.78%
9th gen 80 59.26%
None of the above. Switch... 31 22.96%

I dont think they will say exactly "9th gen", but maybe they will new generation of console.

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Whatever. It won t change its specs.
The switch will be whatever it is. Let s just hope it s a good system woth a great game library

Barkley said:

What even is a "generation".

It's Nintendo's next generation console. Not sure where "ninth-gen" comes into it. Industry-wide generations is outdated and meaningless. Switch doesn't fit into that rigid mould. In fact when has Nintendo ever called one of their products either "ninth" or "eighth" generation machine?

It's a terminology I really hope dies out soon among gamers. Doesn't apply in the modern world.

If a manufacturuer decided to release a new console every 2 years would we have to have a million arguments over when the "next-generation" starts.


Without all the main platforms releasing in a semi-synchronous fashion, industry-wide generations is a null and void concept.

Agreed. It's just aword created to help compare stuff to each other, but other than that, its meaningless.

Let's just call it Nintendo 7th gen console

To be honest, it was really difficult for me to see the Wii U as 8th gen. Not that I thought it was that bad of a console, but nothing about it ever really stood out to me. The gamepad was cool, but not something I could see myself using very much, plus the software just felt meh. I didn't find myself looking forward to any games, like I used to on previous Nintendo systems. The only game I ever really played on mine was Donkey Kong 64.

0331 Happiness is a belt-fed weapon

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Nah since the console generations are basically dead.