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Forums - Sales Discussion - November 2016 NPD Thread! Hardware estimates in the OP!

Welfare said:
Did not see this posted here. John Harker confirms Windows Central's numbers of 1.1M PS4's and 1M XB1's.

Them psvr sales sold nearly as Japan's! 

Pocky Lover Boy! 

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Jranation said:
Welfare said:
Did not see this posted here. John Harker confirms Windows Central's numbers of 1.1M PS4's and 1M XB1's.

Them psvr sales sold nearly as Japan's! 

I wonder  why  its such a big  drop from last year.


Also  curious  how  many pro's sold been  in  the nr1 stop a long  time  and in top 20....

Insidb said:
3sexty said:

That is very rude and highly disrespectful !! I am now extremely sad and disappointed – well actually not at all really!

 Look in all seriousness I don’t mind the joke –although it will probably lose its effect after a few more times tho and that’s 3 and counting already! – However,  Some may get miles out if it, laughing and rolling on the ground well into the New Year festivities still fresh in their minds as the fireworks rage into the skies. Others maybe not a great deal (different horses for courses kinda thing).  Me….I chuckled a little!

Also its nice to see buddies come in to bat for their mates. It goes to show what a lovely and supportive VG Community we areJ

Who you calling, "buddies," pal!?

Ur LAMO Buddy...or is that LMAO Buddy/Pal thingy !  I'm terrible with all that lingo stuff :)

Xbox 360 and Xbox One

Gamertag:  GamertagOz70

Welfare said:
Did not see this posted here. John Harker confirms Windows Central's numbers of 1.1M PS4's and 1M XB1's.

Wow. Well I guess crapgamer was correct for once...

Made a bet with LipeJJ and HylianYoshi that the XB1 will reach 30 million before Wii U reaches 15 million. Loser has to get avatar picked by winner for 6 months (or if I lose, either 6 months avatar control for both Lipe and Hylian, or my patrick avatar comes back forever).

That's a "win" for the XBox then in my books. They had no business even being close with Sony having a new PS4 Slim and PS4 Pro models for the month.

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barneystinson69 said:
Welfare said:
Did not see this posted here. John Harker confirms Windows Central's numbers of 1.1M PS4's and 1M XB1's.

Wow. Well I guess crapgamer was correct for once...

Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

But didn't these numbers originate from a Windows website? Does "crapgamer" write for that site or is he just one of those dumb shit Youtube console fanboys?

I guess the multiple XB1 bundles charting on Amazon made it really close to the PS4.

Pocky Lover Boy! 

Supposedly the PSVR numbers (from the neogaf thread):

PSVR October - 155,000
PSVR November - >70,000

So more than 225k americans own a PSVR headset.

Soundwave said:
That's a "win" for the XBox then in my books. They had no business even being close with Sony having a new PS4 Slim and PS4 Pro models for the month.

Then your books are misinformation.... Ps4 won.

Soundwave said:
That's a "win" for the XBox then in my books. They had no business even being close with Sony having a new PS4 Slim and PS4 Pro models for the month.

Congrats to them.  Burning all those mountains of money has got to be its own reward to some degree but I imagine it's gotta be nice to at least come close to having it achieve something :P

Although I saw the closer race coming.  I knew PS would win, but Sony basically pulled a Nintendo from 2014:  they had an arsenal at hand they didn't properly use.  They had the Pro, but it had no note worthy discounts or sales and had NO bundles in the season where sales and bundles are what just what sell.  They had a bundle for the  They didn't agressively price.  Their marketing was not nearly as ubiquitous as it should have been, especially with a new console launching.  

When companies choose to more or less coast, they get coasting results.  Nintendo coasted in 2014 and their numbers came in under expectations, Sony coasted this year and came in under expectations.  

Meanwhile, Microsoft marketed agressively, bundled like mad, slashed prices.  I mean, it's the same "let's set fire to a mountain of money to 'improve' our business" strategy they've been throwing around for a long while but it's still working well enough, especially since Sony did not counter with agressive marketing like they have previously.