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Forums - Sales Discussion - November 2016 NPD Thread! Hardware estimates in the OP!

thismeintiel said:
3sexty said:

I have been hearing this for way wat too long now.. and that was even during the Steve Balmer CEO days. MS now even have a hardcore shareholder centric supposedly xbox hater  CEO- Satya Nadella and even under his leadership we continue to see new variants and new releases of xbox one, into next year and 2018 in fact. Seriously, given the trend of the ongoing support (and who knows why) - if your arguement that it is a huge money hole is to be believed, - then by the time they do decide to ditch it, the whole concept of consoles will become irrelevent even for Sony (which is why MS are putting in place clever platform integration solutions in place for gaming- another story anyway). Again heard this for way too long - since the incredible RROD losses of the 360.  I am starting to not believe this argument at all now.  it is just way to convenient but never actually validated as the years pass by.

When Steve Balmer was CEO, Xbox was at its peak. Sure, it still came in 3rd, but it made them money. Any shareholder complaints were about the division still not seeing a profit OVERALL after a full decade.  Still, it was making them money at that time. We heard those complaints getting louder, and even Bill Gates confirm he'd be fine if Xbox was sold or spun off, when Xbox stumbled out the gate and continued to not gain much steam. This gen they'll come in 2nd, but it'll be at 1/2 the numbers the 360 pulled in, maybe less. And really, MS taking Xbox off of some of their products near the start of the gen, while pushing Windows 10 at E3 more than Xbox and basically taking away all Xbox exclusives to pad out their Windows game store, aren't exactly good signs for the Xbox brand.

Also, I wouldn't consider new HW revisions anything meaningful. The Slim is a way to cut costs. It was always going to happen, even if it was just to benefit MS. And it wouldn't surprise me if the Scorpio is pushed as much as, if not more, a Windows 10 machine than as a Xbox.  And if that does poorly, it most definitely will perform worse than the Pro, I seriously think MS is going to rethink releasing a new Xbox for next gen. Sony is guaranteed to release a PS5, with the success of PS4 and the PS name being added to some of its products.

Hey I could be wrong here but wernt you the guy that predicted in 2014 MS would drop XBOX by the end of 2015 and that the race would then be between Sony and Nintendo moving forward? Apologies if it wasnt you but I just have a recollection of sorts.

Xbox 360 and Xbox One

Gamertag:  GamertagOz70

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Kerotan said:
jason1637 said:

Even with this i think the PS4 is down WW from Nov 2015. Last year when Sony released their sales PR they stated that the PS4 was up for the holiday YOY but this year they only talked about being up during BF so if they were up for Nov as a whole i would have expected them to talk about the growth like last year.

Sony pass by a ton of bragging opportunities.  I guess they're just content with dominating and breaking records.  They were a gracious loser to Nintendo last gen but a gracious winner this gen.  Sony just ooze class.  

What records are they breaking? The Wii was far ahead of what the PS4 is, and I doubt that it'll outsell the PS2.

It's not just bragging, companies have to show their investors and share holders how things are going.

Sony has never lost any oportunity to praise their sales.

The quietness so far has been weird.

jason1637 said:
Kerotan said:

100%. Sony have their best ever BF WW and breeze past 50m sold to consumers.  


Meanwhile the US market is sluggish and sales for MS outside America aren't impressive.  MS need a strong US market for the xbox to succeed but evidently Sony don't.  

Even with this i think the PS4 is down WW from Nov 2015. Last year when Sony released their sales PR they stated that the PS4 was up for the holiday YOY but this year they only talked about being up during BF so if they were up for Nov as a whole i would have expected them to talk about the growth like last year.

Or perhaps, Sony is still waiting until the end of the year to assess the YOY increase/decrease? Just because there is a lack of immediacy doesn't mean Sony doesn't have anything nice to talk about. Based on Sony's previously announced sold-through figures, it's likely that the PS4 is up YOY or flat worldwide this year vs last year. Of course, everything depends on how much it sells December.

spurgeonryan said:

No one got Wii U numbers?

No wii u numbers have been leaked or said. NES Classic did 196K though. 

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3sexty said:

Sorry you have not answered the question i asked you. Your thoughts please?

'too many positive sales increase factors on both side of the fence (Particularly sony with pro/vr/slim all aligned at the same time pretty much) that failed to deliver its killer blow just before christmas. So what do you make of that. Sony should have annihilated that month. Tell me why didnt they?' I'll laugh with you when you have a well considered repsonse to this :)  PS I really think people use the lingo or whatever you call it 'LMAO' way to conveniently when they are really annoyed or pissed off...I mean it would just be easier to be honest and tell me that you are annoyed..I would appreciate your honesty.

Cheers mate!

I am annoyed by the lack of common sense. You got me.

But that LMAO was genuine. How can anybody claim doom with one NPD which covers only the US. I find it extremely funny. Do you make these claims everytime a NPD is down YoY? Jan '15 NPD , PS4 down 30%, consoles doomed. Sept '15 NPD, PS4 down 210k, consoles doomed. 

And I have answered your question about Pro, multiple times. Pro increased sales worldwide, PS4 had its best Black Friday week Worldwide ever in the history of Playstation and sold over 50M to consumers and on its way to selling more than last year.

You obviously want to concentrate on one market and one month to help you squash all those puzzle pieces together to make you picture. 

This is an NPD thread (not worldwide) and my question relates to why (if true) did the PS4 only manage a 100k lead over XBOX One when it had 3 steller factors all lined up: A) PS4 Pro launch, B) psvr, and C) a cheap ps4 slim (all released within a space of nearly a month) when xbox had literally nothing in this regard and its xbox one s factor was as far back as August.  Again, if true dont you think that is of concern going into Dec and into the new year for the U.S market.  The Nov NPD should not been a virtual tie given playstation's steller performance and momentum over the preceding 36 months. I'd be interested to hear you thoughs, And before you come back with but the pro was never meant to be a console mover etc, please consider the huge window of preorder sales in the months leading to the pro release. This alone should have had a smashing effect. but again only 100k diff??

Xbox 360 and Xbox One

Gamertag:  GamertagOz70

Aura7541 said:
jason1637 said:

Even with this i think the PS4 is down WW from Nov 2015. Last year when Sony released their sales PR they stated that the PS4 was up for the holiday YOY but this year they only talked about being up during BF so if they were up for Nov as a whole i would have expected them to talk about the growth like last year.

Or perhaps, Sony is still waiting until the end of the year to assess the YOY increase/decrease? Just because there is a lack of immediacy doesn't mean Sony doesn't have anything nice to talk about. Based on Sony's previously announced sold-through figures, it's likely that the PS4 is up YOY or flat worldwide this year vs last year. Of course, everything depends on how much it sells December.

Doubt it. Why didnt they just wait til the year is over? They could have waited 1 month and given numbers. They know there going to be down so they released numbers near BF because its the best one the PS4 has had.

3sexty said:

Hey I could be wrong here but wernt you the guy that predicted in 2014 MS would drop XBOX by the end of 2015 and that the race would then be between Sony and Nintendo moving forward? Apologies if it wasnt you but I just have a recollection of sorts.

Don't believe so.

Dark_Feanor said:
It's not just bragging, companies have to show their investors and share holders how things are going.

Sony has never lost any oportunity to praise their sales.

The quietness so far has been weird.

Damn, then MS must be doing things REALLY wrong, as they have been very vague about their numbers and up and down for every month, and the last year.  Not going to comment on them, though?  Just cherry pick what Sony doesn't say, when they have already announced two big things this past week or two?

jason1637 said:
Aura7541 said:

Or perhaps, Sony is still waiting until the end of the year to assess the YOY increase/decrease? Just because there is a lack of immediacy doesn't mean Sony doesn't have anything nice to talk about. Based on Sony's previously announced sold-through figures, it's likely that the PS4 is up YOY or flat worldwide this year vs last year. Of course, everything depends on how much it sells December.

Doubt it. Why didnt they just wait til the year is over? They could have waited 1 month and given numbers. They know there going to be down so they released numbers near BF because its the best one the PS4 has had.

Sony didn't do that last year either. It released sold-through numbers near the end of November and again after 2015 ended. So there's actually a precedent that goes against your argument. Also, 50 million is a nice even number to brag about a milestone.

Aura7541 said:
jason1637 said:

Doubt it. Why didnt they just wait til the year is over? They could have waited 1 month and given numbers. They know there going to be down so they released numbers near BF because its the best one the PS4 has had.

Sony didn't do that last year either. It released sold-through numbers near the end of November and again after 2015 ended. So there's actually a precedent that goes against your argument. Also, 50 million is a nice even number to brag about a milestone.

Link to the PR for the late november numbers pls. 50m is nice but if they were up for Nov WW they would have said so.