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jason1637 said:
Aura7541 said:

Or perhaps, Sony is still waiting until the end of the year to assess the YOY increase/decrease? Just because there is a lack of immediacy doesn't mean Sony doesn't have anything nice to talk about. Based on Sony's previously announced sold-through figures, it's likely that the PS4 is up YOY or flat worldwide this year vs last year. Of course, everything depends on how much it sells December.

Doubt it. Why didnt they just wait til the year is over? They could have waited 1 month and given numbers. They know there going to be down so they released numbers near BF because its the best one the PS4 has had.

Sony didn't do that last year either. It released sold-through numbers near the end of November and again after 2015 ended. So there's actually a precedent that goes against your argument. Also, 50 million is a nice even number to brag about a milestone.