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jason1637 said:
Kerotan said:

100%. Sony have their best ever BF WW and breeze past 50m sold to consumers.  


Meanwhile the US market is sluggish and sales for MS outside America aren't impressive.  MS need a strong US market for the xbox to succeed but evidently Sony don't.  

Even with this i think the PS4 is down WW from Nov 2015. Last year when Sony released their sales PR they stated that the PS4 was up for the holiday YOY but this year they only talked about being up during BF so if they were up for Nov as a whole i would have expected them to talk about the growth like last year.

Or perhaps, Sony is still waiting until the end of the year to assess the YOY increase/decrease? Just because there is a lack of immediacy doesn't mean Sony doesn't have anything nice to talk about. Based on Sony's previously announced sold-through figures, it's likely that the PS4 is up YOY or flat worldwide this year vs last year. Of course, everything depends on how much it sells December.