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Forums - Sales Discussion - November 2016 NPD Thread! Hardware estimates in the OP!

Why are you writing "aided" like that? I literally fixed his link for him. It happened in reality. You can remove the "" :)

I wasn't aware we aren't allowed to express emotion at things here, but either way, what I replied to him was 100% irrelevant to your issue, so there was no need for you to involve me. And sure as fuck no reason to involve me and then gripe that I got involved, LOL. Is lol ok? I found that humorous as well.

My inbox is available if you need anything else, I won't reply to your off topic stuff here any more. Edit, you edited in that last part about derailing, just so there's no confusion ;)

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Is this guy trustworthy?

jason1637 said:
Is this guy trustworthy?

These are the numbers everyone is accepting now as the most likely result.

LudicrousSpeed said:
jason1637 said:
Is this guy trustworthy?

These are the numbers everyone is accepting now as the most likely result.

Ok. The software line up this year is very weak compared to last year. The only game that performed well compared to other games in it series was BF1. Software sells hardware, and the software this year just wasn't strong enough to sell as much or more hardware than last year.

$199 is another sweet spot. When both consoles hit that price fall 2017, sales are going to go through the roof for PS4 and XB1S.
Pro and Scorpio are very hard to predict since we don't yet know what MS is doing exactly and PS will surely respond with Pro however they feel is necessary.
I would have to anticipate sales will be up substantially next year overall.

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CGI-Quality said:
jason1637 said:
Is this guy trustworthy?

He claims to be. All he's done is provide the same numbers as Windows Central (or, rather, backs up the original story). However, there's still nothing concrete. Interestingly enough, a vocal few here insist that Neogaf isn't to be trusted, so that, too, should be taken with grains of salt.

I mean his track record. I don't have a neogaf acc so i cant check his profile, and post to see if hes leaked or confirmed stuff in the past. Also there are some neogafesr that are pretty trustworthy.

3sexty said:

Actually Sony need N/A and console gaming worldwide in general way more than MS. Its bad news for Sony to have such a decline in an important market for one of their few money making businesses. Terrible actually since their TV business declined, PCs offloaded, phones down quite a bit  and now this.  They need console profits way more than MS do. For MS its a minor business venture to run alongside its other huge money makers, - Surface, Windows 10, Enterprise, Software, Cloud etc. On the topic of compueter hardware, the irony here is while Sony failed in the pc hardware space, MS are thriving with the Surface line of computers.  I mean isnt hardware supposed to be Sony's bread and butter. Very concerning trend for Sony.

Damn it doesn't look good for Xbox then. I mean if it's a concerning trend for PS4 to sell over 1M in one month in one territory while having the best Black Friday week Worldwide in PlayStation history then Xbox must be on life support. All the figures look great for the PS4, it's sold 50M to consumers and on its way to selling 400M units of software in 3 years.

Xbox is being beaten in every territory and in some countries by a huge margin. In Japan it's nonexistent. 

If this is worrying to Sony, then Xbox must be on it's last legs. MS will be holding a shotgun and taking Xbox up to the top of garden like an old sheepdog on its final walk.

100%. Sony have their best ever BF WW and breeze past 50m sold to consumers.  


Meanwhile the US market is sluggish and sales for MS outside America aren't impressive.  MS need a strong US market for the xbox to succeed but evidently Sony don't.  

Kerotan said:

Damn it doesn't look good for Xbox then. I mean if it's a concerning trend for PS4 to sell over 1M in one month in one territory while having the best Black Friday week Worldwide in PlayStation history then Xbox must be on life support. All the figures look great for the PS4, it's sold 50M to consumers and on its way to selling 400M units of software in 3 years.

Xbox is being beaten in every territory and in some countries by a huge margin. In Japan it's nonexistent. 

If this is worrying to Sony, then Xbox must be on it's last legs. MS will be holding a shotgun and taking Xbox up to the top of garden like an old sheepdog on its final walk.

100%. Sony have their best ever BF WW and breeze past 50m sold to consumers.  


Meanwhile the US market is sluggish and sales for MS outside America aren't impressive.  MS need a strong US market for the xbox to succeed but evidently Sony don't.  

Even with this i think the PS4 is down WW from Nov 2015. Last year when Sony released their sales PR they stated that the PS4 was up for the holiday YOY but this year they only talked about being up during BF so if they were up for Nov as a whole i would have expected them to talk about the growth like last year.

jason1637 said:
Kerotan said:

100%. Sony have their best ever BF WW and breeze past 50m sold to consumers.  


Meanwhile the US market is sluggish and sales for MS outside America aren't impressive.  MS need a strong US market for the xbox to succeed but evidently Sony don't.  

Even with this i think the PS4 is down WW from Nov 2015. Last year when Sony released their sales PR they stated that the PS4 was up for the holiday YOY but this year they only talked about being up during BF so if they were up for Nov as a whole i would have expected them to talk about the growth like last year.

Sony pass by a ton of bragging opportunities.  I guess they're just content with dominating and breaking records.  They were a gracious loser to Nintendo last gen but a gracious winner this gen.  Sony just ooze class.  

Kerotan said:
jason1637 said:

Even with this i think the PS4 is down WW from Nov 2015. Last year when Sony released their sales PR they stated that the PS4 was up for the holiday YOY but this year they only talked about being up during BF so if they were up for Nov as a whole i would have expected them to talk about the growth like last year.

Sony pass by a ton of bragging opportunities.  I guess they're just content with dominating and breaking records.  They were a gracious loser to Nintendo last gen but a gracious winner this gen.  Sony just ooze class.  

Its not just bragging if the PS4 is up YOY in a holiday month they need to let investors know because that's a huge thing. It is probably down but it just had a really good BF.