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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - What Do You Expect From Gen 8 Of Pokemon?

This is something I've been thinking about since the announcement of Sun and Moon, and even more so after I've beaten the games. So here's a list of things I expect from Gen 8 of Pokemon, assuming it's on the Nintendo Switch:

-Gen 8 will feature voice acting in some capacity. There has been brief VA since Gen 5, and the cutscenes in S/M helped solidify this, imo. Pokemon is probably the most open to having VA out of the big Nintendo IPs besides some of the obvious exceptions like Star Fox. But I do think, in cutscenes at least, that VA will exist

-Gen 8's region won't be tropical since we just got a tropical Pokemon gen. Instead it will probably feature forests and meadows more, similar to Kanto and Sinnoh

-There will be more than 100 new Pokemon. I honestly think that the last 2 Gens have lacked many new Pokemon due to hardware limitations imposed by the 3DS. But with the Switch I can definitely see at least 100 new Pokemon

-It will be more story focused like Black/White and Sun/Moon -GF has been more story heavy the past few games with the exception of X/Y

-Many of the models used in Sun/Moon and Go's engine will be used on Gen 8 games

-Post game content will remain... meh

-Regional forms will stay

-Either Z-Moves or Mega Evo's will be thrown out -or both. If one will be gotten rid of it will probably be Mega evo's -or they'll be nerf'd

Those are a few things I think will happen in Gen 8, what do you guys think?

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I'm gonna expect everyone to bash on it the minute it releases, complaining how the previous generations were never this bad.

then we'll get another good pokemon game that'll shut up the genwunners and babies.



12/22/2016- Made a bet with Ganoncrotch that the first 6 months of 2017 will be worse than 2016. A poll will be made to determine the winner. Loser has to take a picture of them imitating their profile picture.

You'll never guess what I expect, never!

Things I want, not sure I'd say will happen:

- More focus on favoring competitive gameplay content. However good or bad you may think X/Y was, its the one game were competitive game got more favored as opposed to any other game in the franchise. I dont see a single reason why this franchise cant favor both competitive game and singleplayer game and I dont feel we have a game yet that does both.

- Less focus on legendary Pokemon. One thing I didnt like about Sun/Moon was how many legendaries there were: 15 in total, not counting Marshadow or Magearna. Incluiding, obviously, Ultra Beast because no matter what you call them, they are still legendaries for all intents and purpouses. I rather they focus on their standard pokemon.

- Better story I guess? A lot of people claim Sun/Moon has a great story, Im not entirely sure I'd agree with that statement, but however the case, improve upon it.

- As you say, Z-Moves or/and Mega Evo's be thrown out.

- Actual good post game content.

- New pokemon with new typ combinations not seen before.

- The least likely thing to happen: That new pokemon have actually good stat distribution. A lot of the new Pokemon in Sun/Moon are not really good simply by having bad stats.

- A Stan Lee cameo.

5th slot move.... starmie ftw will murder you and your family!!!

mmm maybe it is set up in great britain?


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Jpcc86 said:
Things I want, not sure I'd say will happen:

- More focus on favoring competitive gameplay content. However good or bad you may think X/Y was, its the one game were competitive game got more favored as opposed to any other game in the franchise. I dont see a single reason why this franchise cant favor both competitive game and singleplayer game and I dont feel we have a game yet that does both.

- Less focus on legendary Pokemon. One thing I didnt like about Sun/Moon was how many legendaries there were: 15 in total, not counting Marshadow or Magearna. Incluiding, obviously, Ultra Beast because no matter what you call them, they are still legendaries for all intents and purpouses. I rather they focus on their standard pokemon.

- Better story I guess? A lot of people claim Sun/Moon has a great story, Im not entirely sure I'd agree with that statement, but however the case, improve upon it.

- As you say, Z-Moves or/and Mega Evo's be thrown out.

- Actual good post game content.

- New pokemon with new typ combinations not seen before.

- The least likely thing to happen: That new pokemon have actually good stat distribution. A lot of the new Pokemon in Sun/Moon are not really good simply by having bad stats.

- A Stan Lee cameo.

Yeah it was weird how like half of the Alolan Pokemon are extremely slow

shikamaru317 said:

-A new engine, built to take advantage of Switch.

-At least some voice acting for major story characters, preferably fully voiced.

-A difficulty slider finally (so people will stop complaining about it being too easy finally)

-A new Eeveelution

-Bigger focus on story

Thankfully for you, a new Eeveelution is pretty much guaranteed

Something I've wanted for a while is mid-battle evolutions. They're pretty epic in the anime, and could turn a difficult battle into an amazing comeback.

Bet with bluedawgs: I say Switch will outsell PS4 in 2018, he says PS4 will outsell Switch. He's now permabanned, but the bet will remain in my sig.

NNID: Slarvax - Steam: Slarvax - Friend Code:  SW 7885-0552-5988

I really have no expectations. GF showed with XY that they really aren't afraid to move drastically backwards or off the rails, so there's no predicting what will come of Get 8.

What I'm sure of is that we will continue to have less than 100 new Pokemon indefinitely. That's not a hardware issue, but a human recourses issue. Modeling 100+ uniquely animated playable characters is a herculean task. It had nothing to do with 3DS space or system limitations.

I want VA but, like I said, there's really no way to predict they'll make the jump. Gamefreak is slow as molasses when it comes to adopting modernity. I do think you'll see better character models that have no more remnants of chibi-ification, but that's pretty much a given.

I guess one expectation is that the presentation will still be sub-par. It will be good "for a Pokemon game."

Another expectation is that they are going to mess up Sinnoh, and that'll piss me up because they were the best Pokemon games.

Jpcc86 said:

- Less focus on legendary Pokemon. One thing I didnt like about Sun/Moon was how many legendaries there were: 15 in total, not counting Marshadow or Magearna. Incluiding, obviously, Ultra Beast because no matter what you call them, they are still legendaries for all intents and purpouses. I rather they focus on their standard pokemon.

I was extremely suprised by that number until I realised that you were including Ultra Beasts, which are not legendary Pokemon no matter what you call them. That's like calling Mega Evolutions "legendary Pokemon." Ultra Beasts are something else.