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This is something I've been thinking about since the announcement of Sun and Moon, and even more so after I've beaten the games. So here's a list of things I expect from Gen 8 of Pokemon, assuming it's on the Nintendo Switch:

-Gen 8 will feature voice acting in some capacity. There has been brief VA since Gen 5, and the cutscenes in S/M helped solidify this, imo. Pokemon is probably the most open to having VA out of the big Nintendo IPs besides some of the obvious exceptions like Star Fox. But I do think, in cutscenes at least, that VA will exist

-Gen 8's region won't be tropical since we just got a tropical Pokemon gen. Instead it will probably feature forests and meadows more, similar to Kanto and Sinnoh

-There will be more than 100 new Pokemon. I honestly think that the last 2 Gens have lacked many new Pokemon due to hardware limitations imposed by the 3DS. But with the Switch I can definitely see at least 100 new Pokemon

-It will be more story focused like Black/White and Sun/Moon -GF has been more story heavy the past few games with the exception of X/Y

-Many of the models used in Sun/Moon and Go's engine will be used on Gen 8 games

-Post game content will remain... meh

-Regional forms will stay

-Either Z-Moves or Mega Evo's will be thrown out -or both. If one will be gotten rid of it will probably be Mega evo's -or they'll be nerf'd

Those are a few things I think will happen in Gen 8, what do you guys think?