The Fury said: In pokemon? It's fine. FF15 is only like it is because SquEnix wasted time and money on a spin-off which turned into a main series title instead. FF16 might have the ATB back and sell just as well. It's a weird thing as we don't really know unless game developers actually make them and considering out of the 2 biggest franchises with turn based stuff in it, one of them didn't do it with their latest entry, it's hard to tell. |
They're not doing it with 7R either. This is obviously more than just a one-game thing. I've been hearing murmuring of Square wanting to go in this direction with Final Fantasy for ages. Turn-based combat is purely a product of limited hardware not being able to replecate the grand combat visions of their creators. It let the players imagine what the technology could not portray.
That's not the case anymore, so you're seeing it naturally go away. Now when a player sees turn-based combat, there are already real-time games that are doing all of the crazy moves being implied in turn-based games like with Bayonetta or God of War, so a player looks at it and thinks "why am I just waiting to be attacked when games exist where I can do the same thing in real time?"
Pokemon has 802 characters, many with different forms, to model and animate. That's why you're not seeing it in real time. Money. But, like I said, I think Pokemon will catch up and go real time as they've been future proofing since XY.