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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Your most disappointing game ever?

ARamdomGamer said:

I'll keep it short, cause I don't feel like writing an essay again.

Tales of Symphonia 2 Dawn of the New World, most of my dissapointment comes from the fact that it has the Symphonia name on it. Even having the Tales of name  irks me quite a bit. If it was just a generic anime type RPG I probably wouldn't care much for it, but no, it had to call itself a direct sequel to one of my favorite games of all time and one of my most treasured games since my childhood.

Basically it screws up the world and its concepts, ruins the great ending of the first game (Symphonia was one of those titles that didn't need a sequel), having a pretty bad story on its own, the Symphonia cast is just there, it could have been just a story of Emil and Marta (and even then, these 2 are quite the mediocre characters) and it could have been just fine, but no it has to stick the Symphonia cast in there and butcher Lloyd's character. on a more subjective note, the music is terrible, 1 or 2 original tracks there that I liked, the rest are forgettable or terrible or very generic remixes of tunes from the first game, gameplay while somewhat improved (it did came after Symphonia and Abyss) feels more slow, is not as fluid when it comes to the combat.

I could rant on and on but that is pretty much the basics of my dissapointment with this title.

Very interesting. I loved the original ( played the GC version ). Never tried TOS 2

- "If you have the heart of a true winner, you can always get more pissed off than some other asshole."

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ktay95 said:
MGSV -_-

Xenoblade Chronicles X.

As someone who loved the first Xenoblade, the game just felt, off.

"Just for comparison Uncharted 4 was 20x bigger than Splatoon 2. This shows the huge difference between Sony's first-party games and Nintendo's first-party games."

Metroid Other M, and it's not even close. There's been plenty of games I've anticipated that have wound up being mediocre (Skyward Sword), or even straight up bad (Evolve), but I have never seen a game go from widespread expectations of greatness to putting a loved franchise with 5 releases in the past 8 years to sleep.

Street Fighter V, I would say.

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Lunar DS. I'm usually quite tolerant to bad games, but this game.. this is just atrocious

VGPolyglot said:
Street Fighter V, I would say.

Very good contender for me too, after how many hundreds of hours I sank into all the versions of Street Fighter 4 to have 5 come out in the state it was released and then have capcom fumble and fuck up so badly on the dlc handling of the game, just an utter turn off to what should have been this gens fighting game, but instead I find myself just playing the ps4 port of Ultra Street Fighter 4 instead.


Had the same feeling before with Smash Brothers Brawl, but Brawl was a far better fighting game than Street Fighter 5 is, it was just that Brawl really never had a chance to live up to how Godly Smash Melee was on the GC.

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m_csquare said:
Lunar DS. I'm usually quite tolerant to bad games, but this game.. this is just atrocious

Well you mean this game was bad, but I think disappointment should more fall to a game you were hoping to be great and it turned out to let you down, like for example Watchdogs E3 footage got people hyped, but then the game didn't deliver on that hype.

I mean if this was just a thread on worst games it would be filled with non functional Atari 2600 software haha :)

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Ganoncrotch said:
m_csquare said:
Lunar DS. I'm usually quite tolerant to bad games, but this game.. this is just atrocious

Well you mean this game was bad, but I think disappointment should more fall to a game you were hoping to be great and it turned out to let you down, like for example Watchdogs E3 footage got people hyped, but then the game didn't deliver on that hype.

I mean if this was just a thread on worst games it would be filled with non functional Atari 2600 software haha :)

the last 2 games of lunar were great. I had too much expectation :'))

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