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Forums - Politics Discussion - Will Trump seriously ban all Muslims, cause apparently he can?



He will 74 19.07%
He won't seriously do that 205 52.84%
Who the hell knows at thi... 109 28.09%
Metal Man said:
TheLegendaryWolf said:


"In a speech in Ohio, the candidate outlined his plans to combat Islamic extremism, including a new screening test for arrivals to the US. Applicants will be tested to determine if they share Western liberal values like LGBT and religious tolerance."


If this is true, it would also affect Christians.  As an American by birth who is also a Christian, I certainly do not hold western liberal values like LGBT.  My girlfriend, who is a Chinese Christian, currently living here on a work visa, has the same values that I do.  She could be affected by this even though it isn't aimed specifically at Christians.

Do you want to murder them for their feelings/status? If not, then you're fine. When people talk about holding those "Western" values, it's not necessarily about believing in it but rather being able to accept those people without violence or malcontent.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

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BeefWellingtonIII said:


I understand it's confusing for you that Donald Trump is just going to put in the same ban policies as Obama

You stating that Obama banned Iraqis is a lie.  Perhaps they prevented some or a lot from coming over but I know plenty of Iraqis that work at my manufacturing plant with most of them serving or helping the USA during the Iraq War.  So for you to state that all Iraqis were banned under Obama is a complete lie.

I really don't understand why white people felt like they were under attack. Some said it was that their privilege was being questioned. Well, it should. In this world, we need to either treat everyone equally because no one is better than the other or we must submit to merit based systems of compensation (which is the opposite of privilege). For example, people seemed hostile to the idea of equal pay. I don't. I agree that there are some jobs that men are physically more able to do in general, but if a woman does that job, pay her. Like, why not? Do you feel like your privilege to get more pay that a woman supersedes general fairness? There is something so insidious about our politics that seeks to conquer by division and you would think that by now we would be on to it.

sethnintendo said:
BeefWellingtonIII said:


I understand it's confusing for you that Donald Trump is just going to put in the same ban policies as Obama

You stating that Obama banned Iraqis is a lie.  Perhaps they prevented some or a lot from coming over but I know plenty of Iraqis that work at my manufacturing plant with most of them serving or helping the USA during the Iraq War.  So for you to state that all Iraqis were banned under Obama is a complete lie.

He's not stating that. All the talk of stopping immigration from Muslim countries was born out of the terror attack on France and the other events that took place across Europe.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

While he's flip flopped several times on his core issues, he's already back peddeled a lot just in the last four days.  Most of what he said (and promised) was nothing more then him beating his chest.  While there will be some change it won't be as drastic and to answer your question, no he wont ban "all" muslims.

Stop hating and start playing.

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CosmicSex said:
I really don't understand why white people felt like they were under attack. Some said it was that their privilege was being questioned. Well, it should. In this world, we need to either treat everyone equally because no one is better than the other or we must submit to merit based systems of compensation (which is the opposite of privilege). For example, people seemed hostile to the idea of equal pay. I don't. I agree that there are some jobs that men are physically more able to do in general, but if a woman does that job, pay her. Like, why not? Do you feel like your privilege to get more pay that a woman supersedes general fairness? There is something so insidious about our politics that seeks to conquer by division and you would think that by now we would be on to it.
I'm a White male that lives in the US that did not vote for Trump nor do I care for the guy.  I do however believe in some of his policies.  The biggest problem that the election really brought to life is all the hate that some people in this country harbour.  I find that most of that hate comes from people living in small rural areas that have lived their entire life in a "bubble".  For some reason, they believe that everyone that isn't White (and even some that are) are out to get them.  It really is sad and I can’t imagine living my life that way.  I've gone to school with, worked with, vacationed with and lived next to people of all races.  You know what, most of them are just like most of us.  They have hopes and dreams and they're hard working people trying to make a better life for them and their families.  My suggestion is that people that live in these “bubbles” should reach out and try to get to know others better.  You might just like what you find.

Stop hating and start playing.

cmay227 said:
amp316 said:

Nah. Trump's not really a bad guy. He just doesn't like Muslims. Mexicans, black people, women,poor people and the Pope.


You mean illegal Mexicans, radical Muslims, black lazy worthless thugs, women who trash talk him, poor people in general who leech off the government, and Pope sucks anyways. Pretty much how a majority of Americans feel.Except for maybe the Pope part. You can't only appeal to the minority all the time. He can't ban Muslims, but he can make it a lot harder to get in legally. Which is how it should be. For all immigrants. If i rob your house, as long as I get home with your stuff I get to keep it right? Illegal is illegal. can't spin it any other way. No matter the circumstances.

No he  all Mexicans all Muslims and all those other people. All being non radical Muslims legal Mexicans etc

Just a guy who doesn't want to be bored. Also

Screamapillar said:

Oh my God... No. And, just no.

Seriously, I'm not being disrespectful.  But like, if you honestly don't understand how the government operates or what a President can do in office, then just do some simple research.  Won't take you very much time.

Apparently congress has given the president the power to ban a specific group of people or passport holders a long time ago

Just a guy who doesn't want to be bored. Also

CosmicSex said:
I really don't understand why white people felt like they were under attack. Some said it was that their privilege was being questioned. Well, it should. In this world, we need to either treat everyone equally because no one is better than the other or we must submit to merit based systems of compensation (which is the opposite of privilege). For example, people seemed hostile to the idea of equal pay. I don't. I agree that there are some jobs that men are physically more able to do in general, but if a woman does that job, pay her. Like, why not? Do you feel like your privilege to get more pay that a woman supersedes general fairness? There is something so insidious about our politics that seeks to conquer by division and you would think that by now we would be on to it.

I'm a white male in NYC and yes I feel under attack. I vote for MY interests and so called fairness through affirmitive action, etc is AGAINST my own interest as a white male. Every other race and gender is voting for their own interests, why shouldnt we?

Eagle367 said:
Screamapillar said:

Oh my God... No. And, just no.

Seriously, I'm not being disrespectful.  But like, if you honestly don't understand how the government operates or what a President can do in office, then just do some simple research.  Won't take you very much time.

Apparently congress has given the president the power to ban a specific group of people or passport holders a long time ago

That is absolutely false.

The Screamapillar is easily identified by its constant screaming—it even screams in its sleep. The Screamapillar is the favorite food of everything, is sexually attracted to fire, and needs constant reassurance or it will die.