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cmay227 said:
amp316 said:

Nah. Trump's not really a bad guy. He just doesn't like Muslims. Mexicans, black people, women,poor people and the Pope.


You mean illegal Mexicans, radical Muslims, black lazy worthless thugs, women who trash talk him, poor people in general who leech off the government, and Pope sucks anyways. Pretty much how a majority of Americans feel.Except for maybe the Pope part. You can't only appeal to the minority all the time. He can't ban Muslims, but he can make it a lot harder to get in legally. Which is how it should be. For all immigrants. If i rob your house, as long as I get home with your stuff I get to keep it right? Illegal is illegal. can't spin it any other way. No matter the circumstances.

No he  all Mexicans all Muslims and all those other people. All being non radical Muslims legal Mexicans etc

Just a guy who doesn't want to be bored. Also