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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Bethesda in August "We will consider the NX if it's on par with the XBO"

Remastered Skyrim is not a 5 year old game, the PS3 would have an aneurysm if it tried to run this game

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DonFerrari said:
Poojipoo said:
I don't know that I understand why everyone is debating whether or not the Switch is as powerful as current consoles or talking about it like that's a terrible thing if it isn't. It's a handheld/tablet. And so far, it is so incredibly graphically superior to any handheld or tablet on the market it's ridiculous. Can anyone here imagine playing even the original Xbox 360 Skyrim on an iPad? Or Mario Kart 8? Nothing has come even close. We should be looking at this thing as a 3DS successor, whether Nintendo intended it or not. And as a 3DS successor it is already looking to be at least 100x as powerful, and compared to other tablets, it's looking like it's at least twice as powerful as even those. If it is in the ballpark of an Xbox One, that would be absolutely amazing. But regardless, let's celebrate the amazing tech for what it actually is, and it is the most powerful mobile gaming device of it's class (and most likely price).

Just a piece of advice, that was what PSP and PSVita were, handhelds to play home consoles on the go. So yes, if PSVita have a sucessor it would be able to play a game on the level of PS3/X360 skyrim on it. In fact Uncharted on PSVita is very much comparable to PS3 version considering the differences between hardwares and usage.

Miyamotoo said:

"Nintendo never delivers the things they show in reveal trailers"!?

Nintendo is actually well know for that they almost never doing some sort of downgrade compared to initial game reveal, actually they far more often improving graphic of game that in its shown in initial trailer, than they actually doing some sort of downgrade.

About comparing Zelda and Skyrim, for initial Zelda reveal (E3 2014), we saw just more like tech demo/gameplay, while with Skyrim we saw game running directly on console.


They didn't announce details, games specs...beacuse this was just inital Switch reveal, they will talk about all that when they will have full reavile of Switch.

Nobody never really believed that NX will have double of PS4 power even PS4 power alone, 90% people expected what Eurogamer article and Emily said, close to but below XB1 power.

I guess you are blissfully ignoring Zelda reveal on Wii.

What Zelda reveal on Wii!?

Also i wrote: "Nintendo is actually well know for that they almost never doing some sort of downgrade compared to initial game reveal".



etking said:
Nintendo convinced them to port Skyrim to Android / IOS. Because the NX will likely be powered by one of those systems. And even if you cannot make money on NX, you will make money on the mobile app stores. The NX version is just a by-product.

The devkits clearly show that the NX will never have the power to compete with PS4 and X1. It will compete with tablets and smartphones instead which is a very clever move because Nintendo can also sell Zelda on Appstores with hundreds of millions of potential customers. At least this is my prediction.

Switch isnt Android or iOS based.

Offcourse that point of Switch isnt to compete on power with PS4/XB1, point of Switch is a hybrid concept to compete with power. DS/3DS and Wii/WiiU also didnt compete with power. You will have Nintendo mobile games like Pokemon Go and Super Mario Run on iOS and Android, maybe those game will work on Switch but offcourse that Switch Nintendo games will not work on iOS and Android, lol.

Miyamotoo said:
DonFerrari said:

Just a piece of advice, that was what PSP and PSVita were, handhelds to play home consoles on the go. So yes, if PSVita have a sucessor it would be able to play a game on the level of PS3/X360 skyrim on it. In fact Uncharted on PSVita is very much comparable to PS3 version considering the differences between hardwares and usage.

I guess you are blissfully ignoring Zelda reveal on Wii.

What Zelda reveal on Wii!?

Also i wrote: "Nintendo is actually well know for that they almost never doing some sort of downgrade compared to initial game reveal".

So you know what is it (the Zelda that where on Photo realism route instead of cell shadding).

But ok, I guess the other guys pointing they doing a lot and you saying almost never there is enough wiggle room for both to be considered right. Anyway for what Nintendo intentions their games achieve.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

Why did Myamoto appear on the latest Apple marketing show? The ARM/Tegra based NX devkit hardware is at least compatible to Android / IOS. Maybe the OS is licensed by Apple, maybe it is not, but it will be very easy to port games to and from other ARM-based platforms for sure.

etking said:

Why did Myamoto appear on the latest Apple marketing show?

To show Super Mario Run?

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DonFerrari said:
Miyamotoo said:

What Zelda reveal on Wii!?

Also i wrote: "Nintendo is actually well know for that they almost never doing some sort of downgrade compared to initial game reveal".

So you know what is it (the Zelda that where on Photo realism route instead of cell shadding).

But ok, I guess the other guys pointing they doing a lot and you saying almost never there is enough wiggle room for both to be considered right. Anyway for what Nintendo intentions their games achieve.

I really don't on what exactly Zelda do you think, can you be more specific? Do you think about Zelda Tech Demo on Wii U announcement!? Beacuse that wasnt reavile of game that was just tech demo.

Like I wore, Nintendo very relary doing downgrades, actually they far more often improving graphics of games that in its shown in initial trailer.



etking said:

Why did Myamoto appear on the latest Apple marketing show? The ARM/Tegra based NX devkit hardware is at least compatible to Android / IOS. Maybe the OS is licensed by Apple, maybe it is not, but it will be very easy to port games to and from other ARM-based platforms for sure.

Miyamoto shown at Apple marketing show to promote Nintendo big mobile game, very obviously.

ARM/Tegra are compatible to everything, they are efficient architecture that is easy to work with (inluding porting), perfect match for concept like Switch and much better solution than anything AMD based for something like that.

it will be on par with Xbox One if not even stronger

Ruler said:
it will be on par with Xbox One if not even stronger

In theory it could be, but with that NS form factor it would seem unlikely. Unless nvidea pulled off some design magic, it would just not be able to run full on. Maybe a bit under if Nvidea came through in a big way. But is that what Nintendo wanted...?

In the wilderness we go alone with our new knowledge and strength.


DonFerrari said:
Miyamotoo said:

What Zelda reveal on Wii!?

Also i wrote: "Nintendo is actually well know for that they almost never doing some sort of downgrade compared to initial game reveal".

So you know what is it (the Zelda that where on Photo realism route instead of cell shadding).

But ok, I guess the other guys pointing they doing a lot and you saying almost never there is enough wiggle room for both to be considered right. Anyway for what Nintendo intentions their games achieve.

If you mean the Zelda tech demo shown back in 2011, that is all it ever was and all it ever claimed to be.  It was literally a pre-animated sequence to show off graphics tech.  They never claimed it was a new Zelda.  In fact, they never even released that video on an official basis to the public, hence why the only versions we have are off screen videos.  Besides, Breath of the Wild has considerable technical achievements under its belt that the tech demo didn't show off, judging from what we've seen.  So calling it a technical downgrade is also suspect.

"But... Skyrim is a 5 year old game!"

- these people


Anyone who played the 360/PS3 versions and saw version in the Switch trailer can tell it's the enhanced version that's also on XBO/PS4. If the switch isn't on that same power level- Bethesda wouldn't bother with a technically inferior, late port. 


End of story.

I predict NX launches in 2017 - not 2016