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Forums - Gaming Discussion - After FFvsXIII and The Last Guardian, we need the next magical, unreachable game that is almost too good to be true!

So there's still something to look forward to among all the samey crap that is modern videogaming.

-Beyond Good and Evil 2

-Chrono Trigger Remake

-Jak&Daxter 4 like Jak 1

-Lost Odyssey 2

-Legend of Dragoon 2

-Mega Man Legends 3

-Bully 2

Please Suzuki san delay Shenmue 3 for 10 years!

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The next Xenoblade should be revealed in the next year or so, no worries.

If only there was an iconic game that people want to happen but it never happened so no one will shut up about it.

If only...

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

you forgot: Half life 3 :P

Seriously though alot of the games people want are being made.

Final Fantasy VII remake
Final Fantasy XII remaster
Resident Evil 2 remake
new Crash Bandicoot game
the Last Guardian
Shenmu III
sequel to South Park: Stick of Truth

"After FFvsXIII and The Last Guardian"
And Nioh... AND NIOH!!!
COME ON MAN, FUCKING NIOH!!!!! Some of us have been waiting since 04 for this game.

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Kingdom Hearts III... Seriously, when was the last time SE talked about this game? 2 years ago?



We reap what we sow

ktay95 said:
"After FFvsXIII and The Last Guardian"
And Nioh... AND NIOH!!!
COME ON MAN, FUCKING NIOH!!!!! Some of us have been waiting since 04 for this game.

I do remember the announcement CGI trailer from back then, but I haven't waited for all that time, because initially I thought it would be just another brain dead Musou game. Thankfully the project got revived with a heavy focus on bringing Dark Souls to feudal Japan and from what I played in alpha/beta they managed to do that brilliantly with their own twists to the combat system etc.

After FFVII and RE2 remake I'd go nuts for a new Dino Crisis but im sure not many will. lets try a Chrono Trigger, FF6,8,9 remake :)

I think since we managed to get Square to do FFVII Remake we should now move on to make Nintendo work on Ocarina of Time Remake

Final Fantasy VII and Kingdom Hearts. Also, Half-Life 3.