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Traffic on the road outside, but in my head there is snow level music from Ristar for some reason.

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christmas songs😉

Snowy river loop on YouTube. And my space heater.

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Listening to the Cranberries playlist put online by Spotify for Dolores O'Riordan. I know most of these songs by heart. RIP Dolores.

Signature goes here!

This playlist up and down for days.

I have to pray for forgiveness at my J-Pop shrine every day.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

My favorite song from my favorite album of 2017 (and one of my favorites of all time), from one of the best current pop singers/songwriters.

These two songs randomly popped up in my recommended today. Both great songs, although they're a bit melodramatic.