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Forums - Gaming Discussion - VGChartz WARHAWK bi-weekly league.

I will be playing our saturday warhawk games dogz. I will play MGO on other nights.


Around the Network

Yup, I will choose our Warhawk matches over MGOß/GTAlV.


All VGCharterz welcome!!!
PSN: Al_Kickurass, Official Warhawk League Thread!!!->

Lets hope enough others will still play, from saturdays games 10 or 12 on a small map is a very good game.


Thanks for your planned participation, guys. It's very appreciated. :) After all, its only a couple of hours.

I'll still be playing in the Warhawk league. I can't seem to download that patch! Also, I have other days and nights to play other games.

Around the Network

Good 2 see there will still be a few of us playing during the MGO beta.



You do not have to have to map packs to be in the league. I, myself, do not have them, though I probably will be picking them up during the next American Express billing cycle (EDIT: The map pack bundle is only 11.99USD). Check the first page to see the roster and gauge how many people have the maps ( 1 and 2 between the timezone and the VGC profil designates people who have map packs.)

The official schedule of the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of every month will remain for the time being default map only. So far we have held off schedule games every other Saturday. In all likelyhood, those off schedule games may become map pack oriented.

When you are ready to join, post the required info in this thread, or PM me it.
PSN username, Actual country and timezone, and which map packs you have.

Have a nice day and we hope to see you there. BTW, all skill levels are very welcomed.

It's a really fun game. Hope you enjoy it rocketpig.

Demon's Souls Official Thread  | Currently playing: Left 4 Dead 2, LittleBigPlanet 2, Magicka

Welome to the game rocketpig. Hope u enjoy it. Dont worry if u find yourself dying quite often at the start. After a little practice ur kill ratio will start to climb and then u can choose how u like 2 play the game. Ground fighter, tank driver, flyer and so on.


RocketPig isn't signed up yet, but he asked questions about the league in the "Warhawk wish list" thread after a few posts, I decided to answer him here, since its the official thread. I'm not sure if he has seen the answer though.