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You do not have to have to map packs to be in the league. I, myself, do not have them, though I probably will be picking them up during the next American Express billing cycle (EDIT: The map pack bundle is only 11.99USD). Check the first page to see the roster and gauge how many people have the maps ( 1 and 2 between the timezone and the VGC profil designates people who have map packs.)

The official schedule of the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of every month will remain for the time being default map only. So far we have held off schedule games every other Saturday. In all likelyhood, those off schedule games may become map pack oriented.

When you are ready to join, post the required info in this thread, or PM me it.
PSN username, Actual country and timezone, and which map packs you have.

Have a nice day and we hope to see you there. BTW, all skill levels are very welcomed.