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Forums - Gaming Discussion - VGChartz WARHAWK bi-weekly league.

marciosmg said:
Good games guys. Too bad you both left.

Hanafuda and dawve are always fun to play with. As in they kill me 17 times for each time I kill them

And they always keep talking to me, but I never understand it.

Even dogs popped in for a bit.

one of them blew my eardrum when i drove him into the enemie's base

it seriously made me lose control and drive straight into the enemie's tank , but somehow i survived thanks to a warhawk from above =]

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I didnt leave I got kicked out the server

oh and when I team killed Marcio and Darwve...they both reacted hilariously

Yeah. You TK'd me, so I went after you and finally killed you, you surprise back-stabber.

If you got kicked out, why didnt you message hanafuda to get you back in? Dogs did it for me once. He kicked someone else and I joined.

I had a jeep and Marcio had the gun on the back and he was trying his hardest to look hilarious

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Oh that. I was shooting from the 4x4 trying to kill you as you drove. It was pretty funny.

marciosmg said:
Oh that. I was shooting from the 4x4 trying to kill you as you drove. It was pretty funny.

that was you? O_o

jeez you did it when we REALLY needed teamwork xD

Great games guys, a right good laugh.

Good to see ya dogs.

That base rape was stupid, what is the point. Surely folks play for a good game. I sat and watched it until hanafuda asked me to switch. Another 10 mins and we could have turned that game around between us.

Same in the epic CTF on island outpost. Twice I was heading back with the flag and saw guys base raping. They should have won that but were to busy padding there KDR.


Sorry I forgot to add, thanks for hosting hanafuda.


Also, in the first CTF game, I captured the flag a dozen times and always found a new way to commit suicide.