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Forums - Gaming Discussion - VGChartz WARHAWK bi-weekly league.

I can be there


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I'll be joining you guys this Saturday.

heads up, I just read the friends limit is now 100 so I'll be adding more leaguers.


All VGCharterz welcome!!!
PSN: Al_Kickurass, Official Warhawk League Thread!!!->
kasillas88 said:
I'll be joining you guys this Saturday.

heads up, I just read the friends limit is now 100 so I'll be adding more leaguers.

Good news on both fronts, Kas!

Nice 1 Kas, a few more players and we have a good game.


I sent a couple friend request but I got bored, so I'll do some more throughout the week.


All VGCharterz welcome!!!
PSN: Al_Kickurass, Official Warhawk League Thread!!!->
Around the Network

Any leaguers who still want reminders and aren't on my PSN list add me dawve30.

Also any regulars who do not need reminders for the warhawk league any more get in touch and I will stop sending them to you.

Are my fellow leaguers still sending out reminders or is it just me.


I will be there too this Saturday.

It (PS3's market share) might hit 30%, but definently not more. ~ Neo

Flaming (Calling another user (any user) a fanboy is flaming.) ~ Machina-AX

6 players so far dogs and still time for others. Are we having a game.


Of course. There is no need to ask. There is always a game unless otherwise stated. When I wrote that there would be a game if there were enough confirmations, I ment that it would be annuled if there were not.

Ok game on folks.

Dogs are you still sending out reminders.