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Forums - Sales Discussion - How much do you think Okami Wii will sell?

depends on how much recognition this game gets from the gaming community.

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izaaz101 said:
MontanaHatchet said:

According to Vgchartz, Okami has sold 150k in Japan. So let's add that:

Japan: 150k

And according to this source, Okami sold 270k by March 07, so with legs it might have sold 300k in America

America: 300k

And while the game was completely ignored in Europe, a large userbase must have gave it some sales. Let's go low and say 50k.

So, what we end up with is...

Japan: 150k

America: 300k

Europe: 50k

Total: 500k

Maybe I'm reading this wrong, or interpreting it incorrectly but your source states this:

"In fact, since its release in September of 2006, the game has amassed about 270,000 in sales..."

To me that means in total sales, till March 20th, 2008 it has sold in total, 270k. Did I miss where it stated that this number was only for the US?




ameratsu said:

if anything, I'm sick of people equating wiimote controls as inherently superior controls. All i heard after the release of RE4 is how great the controls were and for many people they loved it. I'm sure many people here swear by it... which is fine.
If you take a game like No more Heroes, i think it would lose a huge amount of it's fun factor if you stripped away the wii controls. However, for something like RE4, my preference lies with dual analog controls. Okami could be the same case (perfer dual analog overall vs wiimote overall) for all i know, that's why i am reserving judgment until i try it for myself.

Still, the Wiimote controls are inherently better in RE4.  Whether or not you perfer them.

It's not a case of "Is BBQ better then Salt and Vinegar" when talking about potato chips.

Plenty of golf players for example like unconventional swings.  It works well for them individually, but the conventional golf swings that a swing coach can teach you are just better because they allow for better control.

It's the same with the Wii-mote... just how a mouse and keypad is just inherently superior for shooters, so is the wiimote.

It's not like outside of the paintbrush Okami's controls are complicated.  The only thing that might be a stretch on the wii is the camera control.

Camera control can be done with the D-Pad.

MontanaHatchet said:
izaaz101 said:
MontanaHatchet said:

According to Vgchartz, Okami has sold 150k in Japan. So let's add that:

Japan: 150k

And according to this source, Okami sold 270k by March 07, so with legs it might have sold 300k in America

America: 300k

And while the game was completely ignored in Europe, a large userbase must have gave it some sales. Let's go low and say 50k.

So, what we end up with is...

Japan: 150k

America: 300k

Europe: 50k

Total: 500k

Maybe I'm reading this wrong, or interpreting it incorrectly but your source states this:

"In fact, since its release in September of 2006, the game has amassed about 270,000 in sales..."

To me that means in total sales, till March 20th, 2008 it has sold in total, 270k. Did I miss where it stated that this number was only for the US?


So... Capcom is intentionally lieing about their own internal numbers... to make Okami look worse?

I'm going to trust Capcom.

They just got it wrong. They just guessed. Since Okami didn't likely chart in the public NPD numbers... even if they did, it's not like NPD is perfect and errors in sampling are often prone when the numbers are very small.

"1. The stats were compiled using NPD stats as well as various public, analyst and publisher figures and dead reckoning."

Nothing better then having half of your criteria for your stats as "guessing".

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naznatips said:
Camera control can be done with the D-Pad.

Yeah. It'd be kinda awkward though in my opinion.  I'm not a fan of the D-pad.

This is a tough call... I'd say twice as NMH did.

Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).

hunter_alien said:
ctk495 said:
Chrizum said:
Impossible. But it will probably sell better than the PS2 version, which would make me very happy. I'll say 350k.

Well according to Capcom they didn't care too much about the sales as long as the wii gamers are happy but I hope it sells 1 million so they will make okami 2.

 lol ... that has to be the most naive comment Ive read in my life :P

Well maybe I misinterpreted their comment and they actually said that they were happy as long as it reaches the ps2 sales.

Freakin' awesome this is my first thread about something not off the topic that haves so many replies.

okami ftw.

450 k, no higher than that.

Nintendo still doomed?
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