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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo reveals Mini NES. Coming this November.

Oh wow this is awesome. Will definitely get this day one, and for only $60 dollars too!

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would spend $100 on an SNES version (with appropriate game selection). Nintendo, pls


Nintendo wins E3 with one game.
Nintendo wins mobile with a AR-version of a 20 year old game.
Nintendo wins Christmas with 30 thirty year old games.

Star Tropics... Bubble Bobble... Oh yeah.

Ask stefl1504 for a sig, even if you don't need one.

MohammadBadir said:

Yet again, Nintendo releases another weak console that can't handle third party games /s

Hey now! Lots of third party games on this machine ;)

Mr.Playstation said:
It seems Nintendo has found a new target market.

30+ Males with a ton of spare cash and nostalgia for their childhood. GG Nintendo.

Not exactly a ton of cash hehe..

60$ for a machine with a library beating the entire PS4, Wii U, Xbox One library? I'd say that is a good deal.

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The NES had so many games, and now over 30 years later, 30 games seem like a low number.I wish they´d have put at least 50 games in there.

Mr.Playstation said:
It seems Nintendo has found a new target market.

30+ Males with a ton of spare cash and nostalgia for their childhood. GG Nintendo.

Who needs a ton of money for this which costs as much as one single new game? If you also meant Pokemon GO, I guess Nintendo will make much more from small amounts paid by a lot of people as from a few people investing a ton.

The selection of games is awesome! I hope this Mini NES releases outside of North America...

"I've Underestimated the Horse Power from Mario Kart 8, I'll Never Doubt the WiiU's Engine Again"

baloofarsan said:
Nintendo wins E3 with one game.
Nintendo wins mobile with a AR-version of a 20 year old game.
Nintendo wins Christmas with 30 thirty year old games.

Yassss!!!! Now an NX showcase in August or September will keep people's social media all on NINTENDO!!!! 

Pocky Lover Boy! 

I´m tempted, but I feel like 30 games isn´t enough, there are so many other games that could´ve been there

Castlevania 3 (much better than 2 imo)
TMNT 2 The Arcade Game
Gremlins 2

All were great games imo.