So now that the 3DS systems are sold out, I would suspect that all Pokemon games will also fall accordingly, Since people were more than surely buying them together, so now they will buy them wherever they buy the 3DS, and more than surely preorder Sun & Moon there, so for now and till the 3DS systems are back in stock, we will most probably see the Pokemon games also go down.
COMG guide to points: 1 point = Raging. 2 points = Beasting. 3 points = Tearing it up. 4 points = Berzerk. 7 points = Rampage. 12 points = Burst. 15 points = god mode. 20+ points = DIVIDING BY ZERO!!! 40+ points = Youkai (originally Pokemon).
-1 = Negabeasting. -5= NegaRampage. -10 = NegaBurst