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Forums - Sony Discussion - Horizon: Zero Dawn may be the best new IP this generation

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Da new IP king! 127 37.69%
Great new IP 107 31.75%
Good new IP 52 15.43%
Average new IP 36 10.68%
Bad new IP 0 0%
Horrible new IP 9 2.67%
Go back to Killzone! 6 1.78%
AnthonyW86 said:

It's as much a new IP as Assassin's Creed Black Flag.

Go and sit in a corner and think about what you've just said.

Why? The differences in gameplay between AC Black Flag and other AC games are probably bigger than Bloodbourne and Dark Souls 3. But because it bares a different name it's suddenly a completely new IP?

Bloodborne is a spin-off at the absolute most, but even that is pushing it.

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Ali_16x said:
Miyamotoo said:
It very hard to say until game come out, but hardly will beat Splatoon. :)

He said best, not best selling.

EDIT: Lol I'm not sure why you guys keep saying Splatoon, I'm pretty sure it isn't the highest rated new IP this gen.

Oh! Sooooo "Best New Ip This Gen" will be based on reviews / meta ? 

Pocky Lover Boy! 

AnthonyW86 said:

Go and sit in a corner and think about what you've just said.

Why? The differences in gameplay between AC Black Flag and other AC games are probably bigger than Bloodbourne and Dark Souls 3. But because it bares a different name it's suddenly a completely new IP?

Bloodborne is a spin-off at the absolute most, but even that is pushing it.

Sit in the corner for a little longer. 

AnthonyW86 said:

Why? The differences in gameplay between AC Black Flag and other AC games are probably bigger than Bloodbourne and Dark Souls 3. But because it bares a different name it's suddenly a completely new IP?

Bloodborne is a spin-off at the absolute most, but even that is pushing it.

Sit in the corner for a little longer. 

Yes very solid argument. Good thing many people agree with me so no need for me to continue this pointless discussion. That said i'm actually kind of jealous because you have so many new "IP" to look forward to this year. That space shooter that resembles a Call of Duty game and what about that WW1 game that kind of looks like Battlefield, just don't look at the name and you have a mountain of new IP's to choose from!

Overwatch is

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AnthonyW86 said:

Sit in the corner for a little longer. 

Yes very solid argument. Good thing many people agree with me so no need for me to continue this pointless discussion. That said i'm actually kind of jealous because you have so many new "IP" to look forward to this year. That space shooter that resembles a Call of Duty game and what about that WW1 game that kind of looks like Battlefield, just don't look at the name and you have a mountain of new IP's to choose from!


Do you know what IP means? You're absolutely lost me with that comment. 

BTW while you Google 'IP', ask yourself how come Sony owns the Demon's Souls IP but the Dark Souls IP was allowed to go multiplat? Hint: they're different IP's.

AnthonyW86 said:

Yes very solid argument. Good thing many people agree with me so no need for me to continue this pointless discussion. That said i'm actually kind of jealous because you have so many new "IP" to look forward to this year. That space shooter that resembles a Call of Duty game and what about that WW1 game that kind of looks like Battlefield, just don't look at the name and you have a mountain of new IP's to choose from!


Do you know what IP means? You're absolutely lost me with that comment. 

BTW while you Google 'IP', ask yourself how come Sony owns the Demon's Souls IP but the Dark Souls IP was allowed to go multiplat? Hint: they're different IP's.

I do understand what you mean and perhaps the TS used the wrong word in his question because i don't think this is what he meant. He is clearly talking about completely new games/franchises here, not just a new intellectual property or in this case a spiritual successor with a different name.

Oh and Black Flag is as much a different IP as Demon Souls, just check the litle "tm" mark behind both the names.

AnthonyW86 said:


Do you know what IP means? You're absolutely lost me with that comment. 

BTW while you Google 'IP', ask yourself how come Sony owns the Demon's Souls IP but the Dark Souls IP was allowed to go multiplat? Hint: they're different IP's.

I do understand what you mean and perhaps the TS used the wrong word in his question because i don't think this is what he meant. He is clearly talking about completely new games/franchises here, not just a new intellectual property or in this case a spiritual successor with a different name.

Not sure why you're arguing then.

Anyway, personally I think it has enough of it's own identity to not be considered a spiritual successor to Dark Souls. A typical From Software game yes but it doesn't feel enough like Dark Souls to me. I can see why people would consider it a spiritual successor though. 

Lol at everybody saying Splatoon.

Horizon looks really impressive. Will have to wait for the full game to judge though since it's such a large and ambitious game.

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Currently playing: Witcher 3, Walking Dead S1/2, GTA5, Dying Light, Tomb Raider Remaster, MGS Ground Zeros

With every new trailer this game looks better