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Forums - Sony Discussion - Horizon: Zero Dawn may be the best new IP this generation

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Da new IP king! 127 37.69%
Great new IP 107 31.75%
Good new IP 52 15.43%
Average new IP 36 10.68%
Bad new IP 0 0%
Horrible new IP 9 2.67%
Go back to Killzone! 6 1.78%

we will see. 

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Azzanation said:
So far Sea of Thieves holds that title for me. Horizon looks great however GG track record isnt something ill be having high hopes for. They make great looking games but they tend to lack where it counts.

SoT...... ok.

As for GG, the onky place they have lacked anything is when it comes to their story telling. The make grest looking games with equally great gameplay and even music and cinematics but fall flat when it actually comes to story telling.

As much as i love Horizon, that is still my biggest concern about the game. GG seem to have a gift for creating endearing beliveable worlds. They completwly nailed it with the killzone universe and made the helghast a gaming icon. But how they somehow managed to swuander the potential that universes story had is beyond me. 

They can't possibly fail now when the best story tactic to employ would be one where they leave a lot of holes in it to convey mystery right?

Teeqoz said:
MohammadBadir said:
The setting looked a bit wacky but it does look cool. I'll wait till it's released before I judge anything though. God knows that games we thought were gonna be amazing like Watch Dogs turned out crappy :P then again, it could very well be different here.

Calling Watch_Dogs crappy is reaching extremely much.

I think it's crappy, but I never thought it was gonna turn out amazing to begin with

Missed the E3 showing of this, can anybody give me a link to watch it?

PSN ID: Stokesy 

Add me if you want but let me know youre from this website

Overwatch and Bloodborne are also new IPs, though -- and those are demonstrably the best new IPs this generation.

But yeah, the game looks good. I am personally iffy on Guerrilla Games as a developer. They clearly seem to have aspirations to be a top-tier Sony studio like Naughty Dog and Santa Monica, but we have yet to see whether they can successfully carry out the execution. While I am hesitant about Horizon, the gameplay they showed was very promising. I saw a lot of Elder Scrolls, Monster Hunter, and Zelda influences.

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Ali_16x said:
Miyamotoo said:
It very hard to say until game come out, but hardly will beat Splatoon. :)

He said best, not best selling.

EDIT: Lol I'm not sure why you guys keep saying Splatoon, I'm pretty sure it isn't the highest rated new IP this gen.

I also didnt said best selling. ;)

Reason why Splatoon had much lower scores is because it was released with very little content, that is minus that evre review mentione, even just few months after release game has double of content.

So people keep saying Splatoon because it's great new IP and game not because has good scores.

It's making me want to get a PS4. I doubt I'm going to, but this game is really tempting me to.

Miyamotoo said:
It very hard to say until game come out, but hardly will beat Splatoon. :)




The best new IP?Its questionable, since we have many new great ones like Splatoon, but its certainly seems like one of the best.

My (locked) thread about how difficulty should be a decision for the developers, not the gamers.

So far Horizon looks like Assassins Creed 3 in a fantasy setting. After playing Xenoblade Chronicles X with its breathtaking vast and diverse landscapes the scenery in Horizon trailer looks boring and conservative. Hopefully the game will have more than the typical trees/mountains landscapes.