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Forums - Sony Discussion - Horizon: Zero Dawn may be the best new IP this generation

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Da new IP king! 127 37.69%
Great new IP 107 31.75%
Good new IP 52 15.43%
Average new IP 36 10.68%
Bad new IP 0 0%
Horrible new IP 9 2.67%
Go back to Killzone! 6 1.78%

Not to be THAT GUY, I'm shure the game has been in development for far more than a year before it was announced last year but... Am I the only one that got Zelda vibes from last night's trailer ? I dunno but the latest trailer has me thinking about the Zelda E3 2014 trailer, the protagonist riding a quadrupede while fighting a spider-like robot and wielding a technological Bow and Arrow, they even went slow-mo when she targeted for the final shot...

Again I'm not acusing anyone of anything but it's indeed very strange for me...

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It very hard to say until game come out, but hardly will beat Splatoon. :)

From what ive seen... yeah i can agree with that statement.

- The setting is amazing a post apocaliptic world like no other, it isnt the fallout, rage or mad max deserts filled with mutated humans, its instead a world filled with life (kind of like TLOU) though instead of zombies we have freaking robo dinos which is what truly makes it stand out and also brings me to my second point.

- Those robots or mechs... they all look incredibly cool, are also really unique and they are already one of the most interesting enemies i have ever seen in any game, (heck they are probably the most interesting one ive seen).

Just look at it! (freaking mecha T-REX)


- And then we have the combat which is really fast paced, filled with different ways to tackle the enemies and most importantly it looks really fun.

- The story also seems like it has potential so im hoping they have something great prepared for us, because so far they have me completely impressed.

Also this seems like a game that could be a hit between the japanese and the western audience, so it has potential to be a big hit if the game is as good as it looks.

Too early to tell. Gotta see if GG has improved on their abysmal writing. It does appear to be an RPG.

Until prove otherwise it has to go to Splatoon.

Game looks good though, it's one of the reasons I bought a PS4 in the first place =)

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I loved the introduction to a dialogue tree in this game. I love dialog trees and I think it will pave the way for a solid story. I'm really digging this game after the demo.

I'm hoping this is the game that elevates Guerrilla to the A list. It definitely looks amazing so far. Best demo of the show. Love seeing each new robot they introduce.

So far Sea of Thieves holds that title for me. Horizon looks great however GG track record isnt something ill be having high hopes for. They make great looking games but they tend to lack where it counts.

Azzanation said:
So far Sea of Thieves holds that title for me. Horizon looks great however GG track record isnt something ill be having high hopes for. They make great looking games but they tend to lack where it counts.

SoT has a long way to go it really depends on how much content it has, I'm excited for it but not much has been shown in depth.

Nah. Wonderful 101 already happened.