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From what ive seen... yeah i can agree with that statement.

- The setting is amazing a post apocaliptic world like no other, it isnt the fallout, rage or mad max deserts filled with mutated humans, its instead a world filled with life (kind of like TLOU) though instead of zombies we have freaking robo dinos which is what truly makes it stand out and also brings me to my second point.

- Those robots or mechs... they all look incredibly cool, are also really unique and they are already one of the most interesting enemies i have ever seen in any game, (heck they are probably the most interesting one ive seen).

Just look at it! (freaking mecha T-REX)


- And then we have the combat which is really fast paced, filled with different ways to tackle the enemies and most importantly it looks really fun.

- The story also seems like it has potential so im hoping they have something great prepared for us, because so far they have me completely impressed.

Also this seems like a game that could be a hit between the japanese and the western audience, so it has potential to be a big hit if the game is as good as it looks.