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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Would a Metroid Prime 3 Corruption Remaster (using Dual Analog) be better on Wii U or NX?

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Metroid Prime 3: Corruption Remastered

Wii U 5 7.46%
Nx 27 40.30%
Why not both? 14 20.90%
Leave it on Wii 19 28.36%
See results 2 2.99%
SpokenTruth said:
Hiku said:

Would you say the same about for example Overwatch on console, or is there something in particular about Metroid Prime's controls that makes it more difficult to play without a wiimote?

The Prime series with motion controls is sublime but IR style controls in general are simply better than dual analog.  Most that scoff at that statement base it on what they are familiar with (dual analog) rather than time tested with both methods.   I don't totally fault them for it because people like what they are used to but those who've become familiar with both lean on the side of IR.  And as noted, the Prime series played like pure silk.

SpokenTruth speaks the truth :)

IR controls are more responsive and more immersive than dual analog. It's just a better way to play first-person shooters.

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It would be like the first 2 Prime on GameCube. I'm ok. I like both options.

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Sure, why not, there's nothing wrong with giving people more options. Would prefer a NX release since we already got a Prime Trilogy release on the Wii U and it would be nice to see what they could do with new hardware.

Hiku said:

I always prefer mouse and keyboard for FPS's if possible, so I understand that. But I can play on a controller as well. So I was wondering if there was any particular reason unique to Metroid that made the user above say that he can't play it without a Wiimote.

Prime is not a FPS that's why, Samus as a character and Metroid in its design has an approach and a host of actions that a dual analogue approach won't meld well with. For a start players need to on the fly be able to switch to the different visors and beam types, in Prime and Echoes on GC these were mapped to the D-pad and the C-Stick so by default using dual analogue is already running into a problem of conflict.

Hiku said:

For the element involving gunplay, it's a FPS. I know it has other elements to it though. Switching visors and weapons sounds more like an issue regarding available buttons, rather than one concerning whether the amiming/movement is done via motion control or analogue sticks. I get that one might have issues playing a certain game with a specific controler. But the comment didn't specify one specific controller being problematic for him, but rather that he can only play Metroid with a wiimote. But I think Spoken Truth's comment about "jumping, double jumping, angled shots," may be why. Is there wall jumping in Metroid Prime, like in Super? And does Samus turn around 180 degrees and face the opposite direction after performing a wall jump?

Shooting mechanics don't make a game a shooter even the gunplay in Metroid is not very shooter like in approach, don't know if you've played the games with the Wiimote but it's more streamline with it by miles, you use motions to switch visors and beams much faster and fluidly as well as can perform certain actions on the the fly that you couldn't with a standard controller. Even if the wasn't a button issue a normal controller can't match how smooth and streamline the game is with a Wiimote so I can see why he can't play the games anyother way.

The is wall jumping but it's more automated due to the game's first person design, Corruption also adds elements as well like the grappling beam on the fly for example which would require even more buttons to utilize.