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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - What do you think Nintendo is working on right now?

I mean their so quiet right now it's crazy, I think pretty much confirmed we have NX, Zelda U/NX and Pikmin 4. One console and 2 games!

So what are there studios doing right now? What's Retro doing? Monolith? What other studios do they even have? Just seems ridiculously quiet! I want info goddammit. I also hope there E3 reveals alot of new games that are in devolpment.

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I hope they are making more of those MyNintendo Picross games. I can't get enough of those, please make more.

You know it deserves the GOTY.

Come join The 2018 Obscure Game Monthly Review Thread.

Nintendo is always quiet. They haven't realized yet that continuous consumer engagement is a thing.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

I think they're working on a Mario game. Crazy, I know.

Monolith is making a "new" IP iirc. Retro Studios is roumored to work on a new IP. Bunch of Mario Spin offs from the other small studios. IS might be making a Mario RPG or another FE. Spla2n should be on the works. 5mash also in the works. What else... Mario Kart is in the works. Throw some new IPs here and there. Pikmin 4, Zelda NX, and I think that's it.

Bet with bluedawgs: I say Switch will outsell PS4 in 2018, he says PS4 will outsell Switch. He's now permabanned, but the bet will remain in my sig.

NNID: Slarvax - Steam: Slarvax - Friend Code:  SW 7885-0552-5988

I hope the Splatoon team is already far in development of Splatoon 2 for NX while someone else like Tanalus works on porting Splatoon. I hope either part of Retro Studios or Monolith Soft has already started development on a Metroid Prime game while Next Level Games works on a 2.5D Metroid game or Luigi's Mansion 3. Someone at STD is certainly already working on the next 3D Mario and Mario Kart 9. While we heard rumors about Intelligent Systems working on Paper Mario: Colour Splash we still need to get confirmation on that, I'd hope they'd be working since last year on a New Fire Emblem game or a Golden Sun sequel. what really interests me the most is what the Pikmin team is working on, if we consider what Miyamoto stated in early 2015 about Pikmin 4 I would expect the development to be done by the end of Summer 2015, I wonder what they could have done from then to now, I'd really like if they tried to work on a minor new IP ala Splatoon, in the end they'd be almost 2 years in when NX launches if they started by the end of summer 2015...

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Well they really started going quiet a few years ago, and with the Nx release date being pushed past the holidays I think it's pretty likely that they've moved most of their resources into having a quality library at launch.

That's the reasoning they gave for pushing the NX into early 2017, anyway, and it makes sense to me. I suspect we'll get quite a lot of announcements in a few months to generate interest.

working on NX launch titles, mobile games, and trying to figure out how to win their audience back


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