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Forums - Politics Discussion - Your stance on euthanasia's legality?


I am...

for legalizing euthanasia. 88 92.63%
against legalizing euthanasia. 7 7.37%

I'm in favor of legalizing it.

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Ruler said:
I am against it, because i dont trust governments this kind of control. And euthanasia is a mental illness and it shouldnt be treated as something normal by law.

Odd... I thought someone with your views on sexuality and whatnot would be more open minded... 

And I've been supporting this for a while now... 

Been listening to a very interesting podcast series by Andrew Denton, looking at arguments for and against, and looking at how it works in countries that have legalised it, and those arguing against don't seem to have a leg to stand on.
Occasionally you'll get some shocking statistics that make you think twice, like that Denmark, after legalising it euthanised over 500 babies in one year, then it usually turns out that such statistics are flat out made up, usually by one talking head on the spot and then just repeated by others against the practice until somebody (like Denton) asks "Have you ever actually checked to see whether or not that's the slightest bit true?"

I think killing yourseld is a bit selfish but i think people should be able to do what they wanted so it should be legal.

I am pro.

And now that I'm here let me recommend this movie to everyone: The Sea Inside

I think it is the movie that best describe this topic.  And also one of my favorite movies of all time.

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Live and let die.

individual freedom is where is at. Is that simple.

I am against the choice, but I don't think the law should enforce my personal stance against those who do not share my beliefs. Provided that patients have protection against possible abuses (power of attorney may result in some being euthanized who object as an example) and that everyone involved is to be held at high levels of scrutiny and accountability, I say let the patient decide their treatment---even if that treatment is euthanasia.

There should be protections for Doctors who feel that the procedure is diametrically opposed to their commitment to "do no harm", but protections also be granted to the patient so there isn't undue delays or hurdles in getting the procedure done.

Why would people be so selfish as to put the burden of their own death on someone else? If you want to die kill yourself. Suicide is illegal, but that is pointless because the only punishment to that is to keep them forcibly alive and if you can say you want to die I don't believe that should happen. If someone wants to die their friends and family should try to stop them plead with them try to get them help at least see one psychiatrist even if you don't have friends and family, but in the end it should be only their decision man up be directly responsible for your own death. If someone is too afraid to kill themselves there could be hope for them and that is too great of a burden to put anybody, to kill someone who might have lived a better life. If you are in favor of euthanasia could you do the deed? If not how can you put that responsibility on someone else? You should always side on the side of life choose you this day either life or death.

Now we come to the hardest part what if there is someone who is physically incapable of killing them self and is asking for death? As a last resort taking all the steps deemed necessary by friends family or government to dissuade them come up with a way for them to kill them self like holding a button for a specific amount of time say a minute or to with a real dramatic countdown to see if there absolutely certain and at one it will inject some kind of painless potent drug into their IV. The drug would be died black and it would slowly diffuse though the IV bag and travel slowly up the long tube giving them more time to back out as well as having a antidote ready or something else in case they back out a little late. If they can't even hold a button use some kind of eye tracking technology.

Of course we can't for see every circumstance there might be exceptions and someone will have to deal with those as they come along, but general policy should always be to err on the side of life there should be no easy way out just in case you are wrong. If you don't believe that then what is there to stand for if it is not life and love?

TheLight said:

Why would people be so selfish as to put the burden of their own death on someone else? If you want to die kill yourself. Suicide is illegal, but that is pointless because the only punishment to that is to keep them forcibly alive and if you can say you want to die I don't believe that should happen. If someone wants to die their friends and family should try to stop them plead with them try to get them help at least see one psychiatrist even if you don't have friends and family, but in the end it should be only their decision man up be directly responsible for your own death. If someone is too afraid to kill themselves there could be hope for them and that is too great of a burden to put anybody, to kill someone who might have lived a better life. If you are in favor of euthanasia could you do the deed? If not how can you put that responsibility on someone else? You should always side on the side of life choose you this day either life or death.

Now we come to the hardest part what if there is someone who is physically incapable of killing them self and is asking for death? As a last resort taking all the steps deemed necessary by friends family or government to dissuade them come up with a way for them to kill them self like holding a button for a specific amount of time say a minute or to with a real dramatic countdown to see if there absolutely certain and at one it will inject some kind of painless potent drug into their IV. The drug would be died black and it would slowly diffuse though the IV bag and travel slowly up the long tube giving them more time to back out as well as having a antidote ready or something else in case they back out a little late. If they can't even hold a button use some kind of eye tracking technology.

Of course we can't for see every circumstance there might be exceptions and someone will have to deal with those as they come along, but general policy should always be to err on the side of life there should be no easy way out just in case you are wrong. If you don't believe that then what is there to stand for if it is not life and love?

Why don't people just kill themselves?  Because killing yourself is kind of hard sometimes both physically and emotionally.

Euthenasia is not just about people wanting to off themselves.  It is about people wanting to die with dignity.  There are people for whom living is genuine torture.  People who either live in physical agony, or people who have a failing mind and want to end their life while they are still themselves.

These people do not want to leave their loved ones with a body hanging in a closet or a splatter of gore on the pavement.  They don't want their families to walk in on them slumped over in a car, or convulsing from an overdose.  They want to go peacefully, painlessly, and quite possibly in such a way that they can be with their loved ones without forcing them to witness a traumatic scene.  They also might like the aid of someone who has dealt with death and is trained to help them through it.  Forcing someone who has made a difficult decision, presumably with the help of trained professionals and family, in a bizarre situation with timers and black poisons is frankly inhumane.  

There is no reason to always choose life.  There are some situations in which life is of such poor quality that it would be incompassionate to allow it to continue.  The kindest thing we can do for people in such a situation is help them to end their life on their terms, in a way that will be best for them and their loved ones.