bear in mind revenue and profit are not the same thing. Sony has gigantic revenues across their whole company, but they've still be losing money on average. as another example, they had gigantic revenues in their video game division during the PS2 / PSP era yet lost money....... :/
don't be fooled by revenue. its gross. not profit. Granted you would assume they are making lots of money from network game sales as there is no costly distribution or complications, however Sony is probably losing money from the sale of their hardware among other things so it likely evens out.
of course with the failing Wii U Nintendo's revenues can't compete, even with the popular PLaystation network.
I would debate it is not really that valuable of a stat though. If you want to start comparing things and why its sort of irrelevant (the revenue), then compare what revenue Valve pulls in through Steam, it probably is much larger than the Playstation Network but, again, revenue doesn't necessarily have any relevance on profit or what money a company makes
ironically Sony is a perfect example of this, as they pull in massive amounts of money through all of their electronic sectors but unfortunately after costs are accounted for have not been significantly profiting in a long long time. Sony may bring in wayyyy more money than Nintendo but it doesn't magically make them have much in the bank. They have a lot less than Nintendo saved and it speaks volumes for the importance of balancing your budget.
Microsoft has tried the tactic of doing whatever it takes to sell their systems/games to force their precense into the gaming market for the last decade and have yet to ever make money from that division. Just because you create high revenues doesn't mean its a successful business. Just sort of parroting business 101 here, but people tend to post numbers on threads on sites like this without actually analyzing them. a big number is nothing if your backend costs are too high