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Forums - Sales Discussion - March 2016 NPD Thread! Hardware and software up!

Good to see we got solid numbers this month. Aqua is the real mvp.

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CosmicSex said:
Aquamarine said:

Can you qualify this bolded text. What is the next biggest-selling new Microsoft Studios published IP this generation?  Is there such a thing or is this statement some sort of term of art?  What does biggest-selling mean?  If it was the best-selling... wouldn't they say that?


Zanten said:
I guess it probably is best-selling, but as for the rest, it literally means a brand new IP, developed by any developer but that has been specifically published by Microsoft itself, as opposed to just signing an exclusivity deal. So the only comparison that immediately springs to mind is Sunset Overdrive, which was developed by Insomniac, but published by Microsoft. If anyone can name off some others, feel free of course. =D Titanfall wouldn't apply, as I believe it was published by EA. Halo 5 wouldn't apply, as it's an established IP. The original Halo, again, wouldn't apply, as it wasn't released this generation. Not sure when it comes to games like Ryse whether Microsoft was the publisher, or if it was just an exclusivity deal.


I find it quite difficult by now to keep track of all the loose terms being used in these NPD statements.


Just from Microsoft's latest statement we have:

"The greatest games lineup". I never found out what the word "greatest" was objectively based on but anyway I thought the lineup was last year's Gears, Forza, Halo and Tomb Raider? If they mean best lineup of the gen why include Rise of the Tomb Raider that'll release on PS4 this November?

"New titles released like Killer Instinct: Season 3". Isn't this more of an update adding 6 characters? It can't be because of a new retail version because there aren't any?

"March was the best month for KI with more than 6 million unique players". Wasn't this confirmed to be lifetime number? Naturally the latest month will be the best one yet?

"We launched Quantum Break to critical acclaim". QB is a great game but what is this "critical acclaim" based on? A huge bunch of games have a meta at 77 or higher.

"Quantum Break became the best-selling Xbox game around the world". Best selling Xbox game WW in specifically March right? Well since they didn't publish any other retail games this March I don't see why QB wouldn't be the best selling. That statement is completely empty. And what's the definition of Xbox game? Clearly not first party. Perhaps XB1 and PC exclusive? No wait. They referred to RotTR as an Xbox game as well. Maybe just timed exclusive?

"QB is now the biggest-selling new Microsoft Studios published IP this generation". New IP, MS published and this gen. That's a lot of criteria. So even though they're MS published the "new IP" discards Rise of the Tomb Raider, Dead Rising 3, Rare Replay and Zoo Tycoon. So left are Sunset Overdrive and Ryse? So from that we know that QB beat SO's 221,920 first week and Ryse's 247,857 first week. Or are we talking day one or first month?

Mike_L said:
CosmicSex said:

Can you qualify this bolded text. What is the next biggest-selling new Microsoft Studios published IP this generation?  Is there such a thing or is this statement some sort of term of art?  What does biggest-selling mean?  If it was the best-selling... wouldn't they say that?


Zanten said:
I guess it probably is best-selling, but as for the rest, it literally means a brand new IP, developed by any developer but that has been specifically published by Microsoft itself, as opposed to just signing an exclusivity deal. So the only comparison that immediately springs to mind is Sunset Overdrive, which was developed by Insomniac, but published by Microsoft. If anyone can name off some others, feel free of course. =D Titanfall wouldn't apply, as I believe it was published by EA. Halo 5 wouldn't apply, as it's an established IP. The original Halo, again, wouldn't apply, as it wasn't released this generation. Not sure when it comes to games like Ryse whether Microsoft was the publisher, or if it was just an exclusivity deal.


I find it quite difficult by now to keep track of all the loose terms being used in these NPD statements.


Just from Microsoft's latest statement we have:

"The greatest games lineup". I never found out what the word "greatest" was based on but anyway I thought the lineup was last year's Gears, Forza, Halo and Tomb Raider? If they mean best lineup of the gen why include Rise of the Tomb Raider that'll release on PS4 this November?

"New titles released like Killer Instinct: Season 3". Isn't this more of an update adding 6 characters? It can't be because of a new retail version because there aren't any?

"March was the best month for KI with more than 6 million unique players". Wasn't this confirmed to be lifetime number? Naturally the latest month will be the best one yet?

"We launched Quantum Break to critical acclaim". QB is a great game but what is this "critical acclaim" based on? A huge bunch of games have a meta at 77 or higher.

"Quantum Break became the best-selling Xbox game around the world". Best selling Xbox game WW in specifically March right? Well since they didn't publish any other retail games this March I don't see why QB wouldn't be the best selling. That statement is completely empty. And what's the definition of Xbox game? Clearly not first party. Perhaps XB1 and PC exclusive? No wait. They referred to RotTR as an Xbox game as well. Maybe just timed exclusive?

"QB is now the biggest-selling new Microsoft Studios published IP this generation". New IP, MS published and this gen. That's a lot of criteria. So even though they're MS published the "new IP" discards Rise of the Tomb Raider, Dead Rising 3, Rare Replay and Zoo Tycoon. So left are Sunset Overdrive and Ryse? So from that we know that QB beat SO's 221,920 first week and Ryse's 247,857 first week. Or are we talking day one or first month?

Look at their QB ad lol. They quote only the 9s and pretend it's rated better than it is. They are super spin heavy...

Mike_L said:



"Quantum Break became the best-selling Xbox game around the world". Best selling Xbox game WW in specifically March right? Well since they didn't publish any other retail games this March I don't see why QB wouldn't be the best selling. That statement is completely empty. And what's the definition of Xbox game? Clearly not first party. Perhaps XB1 and PC exclusive? No wait. They referred to RotTR as an Xbox game as well. Maybe just timed exclusive?

Aaaaactually, Quantum Break released April 5th, if I remember correctly, so unless I'm misreading their statement it would be more accurate to say 'Best selling Xbox game around the world between April 5th and April 12th.' Specifically mentioning Xbox games, by extension, is because while they can say with certainty how many games on their platform sold during that week, they won't know how Sony or Nintendo software sold until they receive the NPD report next month. Honestly, given Dark Souls 3 and Ratchet and Clank didn't come out worldwide til the 12th, it probably would be safe to assume Quantum Break topped the overall charts during its launch week anyway, but it's likely legal thin ice to make such a claim without info to back it up.

Bottom line, though, we'll have to wait for the April NPD report to see how Quantum Break stacks up, both on Xbox and overall.

Zanten, Doer Of The Things

Unless He Forgets In Which Case Zanten, Forgetter Of The Things

Or He Procrascinates, In Which Case Zanten, Doer Of The Things Later

Or It Involves Moving Furniture, in Which Case Zanten, F*** You.

Mike_L said:
CosmicSex said:

Can you qualify this bolded text. What is the next biggest-selling new Microsoft Studios published IP this generation?  Is there such a thing or is this statement some sort of term of art?  What does biggest-selling mean?  If it was the best-selling... wouldn't they say that?


Zanten said:
I guess it probably is best-selling, but as for the rest, it literally means a brand new IP, developed by any developer but that has been specifically published by Microsoft itself, as opposed to just signing an exclusivity deal. So the only comparison that immediately springs to mind is Sunset Overdrive, which was developed by Insomniac, but published by Microsoft. If anyone can name off some others, feel free of course. =D Titanfall wouldn't apply, as I believe it was published by EA. Halo 5 wouldn't apply, as it's an established IP. The original Halo, again, wouldn't apply, as it wasn't released this generation. Not sure when it comes to games like Ryse whether Microsoft was the publisher, or if it was just an exclusivity deal.



"New titles released like Killer Instinct: Season 3". Isn't this more of an update adding 6 characters? It can't be because of a new retail version because there aren't any?

"March was the best month for KI with more than 6 million unique players". Wasn't this confirmed to be lifetime number? Naturally the latest month will be the best one yet?


Killer Instinct Seasons are basically the taken king of destiny but for killer instinct. They add launch characters and maps and add more until the next season. 

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tbone51 said:
SfV had no legs.

Legs was promised to capcom in June as long as they deliver the Story they promised to add to the game, the current state of SFV alongside SF4 or even Killer Instinct S3 is pathetic, €50 buys you the full 3 seasons of KI, it's €70 for the absolute barebones experience offered in SFV, Capcom can't be surprised by those sales.... or at least they shouldn't be.

Why not check me out on youtube and help me on the way to 2k subs over at

Ryng_Tolu said:
Aquamarine said:

Top 10 Comparison:





9. Call of Duty: Black Ops III (XBO, PS4, 360, PS3, PC): 223K (524K including bundle units)


Oh shit. That PS4 bundle is killing it lol. Can you post how much did in January and February including bundle?

Sure. I remember seeing my friend posting this on GAF before he was unjustly banned.


I'll continue on with it so you can keep up with your data:


Call of Duty: Black Ops III: 

January: 627K including bundles

February: 707K including bundles

March: 524K including bundles


Compare to standalone in the software data feeds, and it's been ridiculous lately:

February: 340,300

March: 223,100


Although, Black Ops III is still doing just fine in the software charts (8.7052 million LTD)...bundles are just giving it that extra boost lately.

Aquamarine said:
Ryng_Tolu said:


Oh shit. That PS4 bundle is killing it lol. Can you post how much did in January and February including bundle?

Sure. I remember seeing my friend posting this on GAF before he was unjustly banned.


I'll continue on with it so you can keep up with your data:


Call of Duty: Black Ops III: 

January: 627K including bundles

February: 707K including bundles

March: 524K including bundles


Compare to standalone in the software data feeds, and it's been ridiculous lately:

February: 437,000

March: 223,100


Although, Black Ops III is still doing just fine in the software charts (8.7052 million LTD)...bundles are just giving it that extra boost lately.

Wow. Yeah, Black Ops is withouth doubt a beast, though that PS4 bundle really help it's legs.

With you're and George numbers, i have a total of 10.19 million lifetime including bundle.

Well, what say more? Amazing work.


EDIT: Wait, just a question.

Far Cry primal was first last month, and Cream posted it sold 363,000... How is Black Ops second with 437,000 withouth bundle?

Never mind!

Aquamarine said:
Ryng_Tolu said:

Wow. Yeah, Black Ops is withouth doubt a beast, though that PS4 bundle really help it's legs.

With you're and George numbers, i have a total of 10.19 million lifetime including bundle.

Well, what say more? Amazing work.


EDIT: Wait, just a question.

Far Cry primal was first last month, and Cream posted it sold 363,000... How is Black Ops second with 437,000 withouth bundle?

He's right, Far Cry Primal did indeed sell 363K last month (including hardware bundles).

I'm referring to combined non-bundle SKUs that are separated in NPD software charts.

It's below 320K as represented within NPD chart last month.

Oh ok. Make sense now.