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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Evolution Studios Joins Codemasters

Great for us

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kowenicki said:

Hard to find much about about Codemasters as they are a private limited company, but I seem to recall a £20m loss last year and lots of lay-offs.

Last throw of the dice?

Great news, isn't it.


The PS5 Exists. 

kowenicki said:

Hard to find much about about Codemasters as they are a private limited company, but I seem to recall a £20m loss last year and lots of lay-offs.

Last throw of the dice?

Codemasters has over 500 staff and is owned by Reliance Entertainment which is a media company with large shares of among others Amblin, Big Music, Reliance Dreamworks and a number of radio and television stations. 

They are safe enough....

Maybe they can help them with F1. The last one was terrible.

Damo said:
Maybe they can help them with F1. The last one was terrible.

F1 in general isn't as entertaining or popular as it once was.... regulations and lack of strong personalities have hurt it a lot. 

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kowenicki said:
Bryank75 said:

Codemasters has over 500 staff and is owned by Reliance Entertainment which is a media company with large shares of among others Amblin, Big Music, Reliance Dreamworks and a number of radio and television stations. 

They are safe enough....

It is 60% owned by Reliance and 40% by a private equity firm, it actually lost £12m last year on a 50% reduction in turnover and laid some staff off after losing 3m the year.  It is as safe as its coming results and the sales of its games.  If its games continue to perform badly it will be gone.

Can't see them just closing up, they might cut a team or staff off each team but I doubt they would simply close up shop. If you ran a business and were doing badly would you just close up without trying to cut costs, whether they come from fixed or variable types such as rent or staff respectively?

Codmaster has make an amazing rally game on ps3 the dirt rally 1 that was the best rally i played after the WRC's on evolutions. After that they destroy the dirt rally series with two games that was American style of racing. I don't know what happen to them a until the new Dirt rally on pc and now on consoles that makes Codemaster back to the top on Rally games.
With the team of Evolution the have great future to make even better racing like open world Motostorm type of game :)



kowenicki said:
Bryank75 said:

Can't see them just closing up, they might cut a team or staff off each team but I doubt they would simply close up shop. If you ran a business and were doing badly would you just close up without trying to cut costs, whether they come from fixed or variable types such as rent or staff respectively?

I'd cut costs and concentrate on proven IP's.

Thats the only point I was making.  I sincerely hope it works out but they will need the new IP to be a success or they will be gone again as quickly as they came.

At the moment they are going in the right direction with Dirt doing very well critically, I am very hopefull for them anyway. The situation is positive anyway.

Codemasters presents: 'Storm of Motors', coming to X1, PS4, and NX

Platinums: Red Dead Redemption, Killzone 2, LittleBigPlanet, Terminator Salvation, Uncharted 1, inFamous Second Son, Rocket League

Nice, I want DirtStorm: Mediterranean Rift

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