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Forums - Gaming Discussion - In retrospect, who won E3 2015?


In retrospect, who won E3 2015

Microsoft 110 15.01%
Sony 553 75.44%
Nintendo 70 9.55%

"You must be living under a rock because people have been begging for a new prime more than all 3 of those games!" --AAA300




That was hilarious.

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Sony, but the reality is they fired a bunch of shots that were years away from actually landing. I suspect this year's e3 from them will largely show more of what they showed last year (+ Kojima)

definitely Sony

Sony, Nintendo had pretty bad E3 2015 but they nailed it E3 2014.

AAA300 said:
Sprash said:

That's sadly true, just imagine if microsoft or nintendo announced shenmue 3 the shit storm on the internet would be so big everyone even microsoft and nintendo fans would be so pissed about it that they would have switched over to sony and the ps4 :/

They didn't annouce a game they announced a kick starter. It was really lame.

Played a big part on my position but yeah... The whole "default to Sony" mindset is the cancer of gaming... As a whole, I never think of a console as specifically designed, so I don't tell myself "FPS for Xbox, JRPGs for PS"... 

With this aside, Microsoft won. I was sort of expecting two out of the three announcements Sony made, and since their announcements were more of a "we call dibs" and not "our call" it felt more like they were showing stuff they had deals for... Hence why I found MS to have the better conference. 

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Sony no doubt for me, i have never spent so much time watching reaction videos to all the announcements they made, that GT crew reaction video with Kyle bossman literally standing on his chair just from the hype always gets me, same for a lot of other videos i saw like that one dude who freaked out over FF7 Remake for like 15 minutes straight XD

oh men i write "FF7 Remake" and its still sounds like a dream, i cant believe its actually happening and yeah i know its not exactly gonna be like many people wanted it but i honestly dont care at this point, im just happy its actually being made.

Sony and Microsoft had tons of solid suprised even though both didn't really have a good E3, Nintendo was suprisingly bad. I voted Sony cause then brought a lot more games even though it all wasn't interesting but it sure beat Microsoft which only had games we have been waiting for since launch and they barely showed anything we didn't know. I want to know more about their games.


PSN: Opticstrike90
Steam: opticstrike90

All I can say is definitely not Nintendo.

But I didnt watch the two. So......

Pocky Lover Boy! 

LudicrousSpeed said:


barneystinson69 said:

Really man? So because he prefer's Xbox, its like that? Lol.

It's my Xbox preference stopping all those games from coming out.

Well out of curiosity... what is stopping MS from releasing the games they showed in 2014?

Crackdown, Scalebound, Pantom Dust and Fable Legends..... the rest was a bunch of multiplats and a remaster collection. 

Not trying to get into an arguement here but highlight maybe a double standard.

Well, this is no contest, Sony won easily as expected. This would be one of those few cases in gaming history in which pretty much all the gaming community agree XD. As a Nintendo fan, I think that this E3 will be Nintendo's one. New hardware, plenty of NX games to announce... It's hard to screw that.