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AAA300 said:
Sprash said:

That's sadly true, just imagine if microsoft or nintendo announced shenmue 3 the shit storm on the internet would be so big everyone even microsoft and nintendo fans would be so pissed about it that they would have switched over to sony and the ps4 :/

They didn't annouce a game they announced a kick starter. It was really lame.

Played a big part on my position but yeah... The whole "default to Sony" mindset is the cancer of gaming... As a whole, I never think of a console as specifically designed, so I don't tell myself "FPS for Xbox, JRPGs for PS"... 

With this aside, Microsoft won. I was sort of expecting two out of the three announcements Sony made, and since their announcements were more of a "we call dibs" and not "our call" it felt more like they were showing stuff they had deals for... Hence why I found MS to have the better conference.