Don't think QB will be able to stop the PS4. PS4 is just simply more appealing to consumers. An XB1.5 won't change anything either since it's not a new generation with new potential consumers, just another model, which Sony has an answer to also. Unless MS will try to beat Sony to a new generation next year.
Formerly ilovegirls69 :(
Pionner said: Don't think QB will be able to stop the PS4. PS4 is just simply more appealing to consumers. An XB1.5 won't change anything either since it's not a new generation with new potential consumers, just another model, which Sony has an answer to also. Unless MS will try to beat Sony to a new generation next year. |
Nothing will be bale to stop the ps4. The NX might have a chance to slow down its momentum but the ps4 is a pure son of a beast.
GribbleGrunger said: 4 Hours after last update: |
Thank you.
I don´t think April will be any better than march for xbox one.
I don´t even know what they could do since xbox has been cheaper for a while.
This year will be a big drop for them.
ihh said: I don´t think April will be any better than march for xbox one. I don´t even know what they could do since xbox has been cheaper for a while. This year will be a big drop for them. |
Are there any Xbox One exclusives coming in April?
April Tag...looking forward to the hard work of Gribble and Shadow!
The absence of evidence is NOT the evidence of absence...
PSN: StlUzumaki23
April Fools! Tag
NintenDomination [May 2015 - July 2017]
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ihh said: I don´t think April will be any better than march for xbox one. I don´t even know what they could do since xbox has been cheaper for a while. This year will be a big drop for them. |
Maybe they should make another Price Cut, on Quantum Break's Bundle for 250US$, to push the sales of the game.
6 Hours after last update:
#13 PS4 Black Ops 3 Bundle (down 1)
#20 PSVR Headset (down 1)
#61 XB1 Gears Bundle (up 6)
#88 PS4 April Fool's Edition (down 16)
#93 XB1 Name Your Game Bundle (re-entry)
#213 XB1 Quantum Break SE Bundle (up 27)
#679 PS4 Uncharted 4 Bundle (down 97)
#08 PS4 MLB The Show (same)
#12 XB1 Quantum Break (up 3)
#16 PS4 Ratchet And Clank (up 1)
#22 PS4 Uncharted: A Thief's End (same)
#24 PS4 MLB The Show MVP Edition (down 1)
#45 WiiU Starfox Zero (up 1)
#90 PS4 No Man's Sky (down 5)
The PS5 Exists.
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