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Forums - Gaming Discussion - All Future Forza Games Are Coming to PC and Xbox, Microsoft Confirms

AEGRO said:
Well, my opinion.

Halo and Gears are the last bastions for the Xbox brand.

If i have to guess, i would say that it is a no brainer that they will come too to the PC. What i don't understand is why Microsoft has been so patient with the clear strategy of unifying both platforms, one game at a time. Slooowly.

Looking at this months sales, it is more than clear that the Xbox One sales are pretty much stale and going down, even tho there is a price cut involved, a new bundle, tons of promotions and arguably one of (if not) the biggest exclusive of the year, which weirdly enough it is also semi-underperforming as of today.

Are the people reacting negatively to this strategy from Ms?

Do people want a console and not a steam machine like W10 device?

I mean, there is no logical reason behind the severe drop in sales of this month, i would guess that there have been going meetings behinds the door, discussing the current state of the brand, because it is not positive at all.

Is Phil Spencer to blame?

Aren't consoles sales supposed to be at their lowest in March?
Is enough of the main stream even following this to make such an impact on sales?

I can imagine that stories of Quantum break on XBox One in 720p vs 4K on Win 10, followed by Forza in 4K on Win 10 with a free version doesn't exactly promote XBox One consoles. (I know it's re projected to 1080p, yet 720p stigma persists)
Maybe MS should promote PC games coming to XBox One a bit more. The way things are presented now feels rather one directional.

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SvennoJ said:
AEGRO said:
Well, my opinion.

Halo and Gears are the last bastions for the Xbox brand.

If i have to guess, i would say that it is a no brainer that they will come too to the PC. What i don't understand is why Microsoft has been so patient with the clear strategy of unifying both platforms, one game at a time. Slooowly.

Looking at this months sales, it is more than clear that the Xbox One sales are pretty much stale and going down, even tho there is a price cut involved, a new bundle, tons of promotions and arguably one of (if not) the biggest exclusive of the year, which weirdly enough it is also semi-underperforming as of today.

Are the people reacting negatively to this strategy from Ms?

Do people want a console and not a steam machine like W10 device?

I mean, there is no logical reason behind the severe drop in sales of this month, i would guess that there have been going meetings behinds the door, discussing the current state of the brand, because it is not positive at all.

Is Phil Spencer to blame?

Aren't consoles sales supposed to be at their lowest in March?
Is enough of the main stream even following this to make such an impact on sales?

I can imagine that stories of Quantum break on XBox One in 720p vs 4K on Win 10, followed by Forza in 4K on Win 10 with a free version doesn't exactly promote XBox One consoles. (I know it's re projected to 1080p, yet 720p stigma persists)
Maybe MS should promote PC games coming to XBox One a bit more. The way things are presented now feels rather one directional.

I dont know man...i mean, i have been following the Amazon charts for a while now, and this month i have been noticing that the Xbox One price drop didnt affect the console at all, i would say that after the price cut the sales have slowed a little bit.

It is fucking weird, there must be a reasons behind this but as of rigt now i cant find too mcuh sense in this situation.

If you ask me, i would say that these PC ports have to be affecting the sales, they got to be!

Bandorr said:
AEGRO said:

I dont know man...i mean, i have been following the Amazon charts for a while now, and this month i have been noticing that the Xbox One price drop didnt affect the console at all, i would say that after the price cut the sales have slowed a little bit.

It is fucking weird, there must be a reasons behind this but as of rigt now i cant find too mcuh sense in this situation.

If you ask me, i would say that these PC ports have to be affecting the sales, they got to be!

The amazon thing has me interested. I've been following it for a while now. The ps4 is always around 10-20. The xbox one seems to be around 75-85. How with a $50 price cut, and a new game coming out - is it THAT far behind?


Do you think that the PC ports have been affecting the Xbox One sales?

AEGRO said:
SvennoJ said:

Aren't consoles sales supposed to be at their lowest in March?
Is enough of the main stream even following this to make such an impact on sales?

I can imagine that stories of Quantum break on XBox One in 720p vs 4K on Win 10, followed by Forza in 4K on Win 10 with a free version doesn't exactly promote XBox One consoles. (I know it's re projected to 1080p, yet 720p stigma persists)
Maybe MS should promote PC games coming to XBox One a bit more. The way things are presented now feels rather one directional.

I dont know man...i mean, i have been following the Amazon charts for a while now, and this month i have been noticing that the Xbox One price drop didnt affect the console at all, i would say that after the price cut the sales have slowed a little bit.

It is fucking weird, there must be a reasons behind this but as of rigt now i cant find too mcuh sense in this situation.

If you ask me, i would say that these PC ports have to be affecting the sales, they got to be!

It's still a while until NDP results, but maybe VR hype is adding to the effect, Occulus pre sold out, Vive pre sold out, PSVR pre sold out, can't deny that's generating some buzz. With XBox One games going to PC, PC or PS4 seems to be the best place to go to atm.
Add reports that MS is planning to upgrade XBox One hardware (by Phil Spencer, no just rumors), even less reason to buy one now.

Good news for PC gamers, I guess. That said, I hope they give Turn 10 enough time/budget to develop the best Forza they can.

Bet with Teeqoz for 2 weeks of avatar and sig control that Super Mario Odyssey would ship more than 7m on its first 2 months. The game shipped 9.07m, so I won

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Goid new for xbox and pc gamers. Xbox games going to pc and pc game/apps coming to xbox. A win win.

I'm happy about Horizon coming, minus the fact that it'll no doubt we a windows store exclusive.

AEGRO said:
Mr Puggsly said:

Cool, more people get to play great games.
I did the math... PC gamers + console gamers = more gamers

Not console gamers, Xbox gamers. 

My math says +PC sales -Xbox sales

It goes to the same pocket, but im afraid about the future of the Xbox brand as a console. 

Your math doesent take into consideration most PC gamers arent console gamers. Show me a single console game that sold poorly because a PC version took all the sales. In fact, many best selling console games are on PC.

Putting games on PC is also a good way to appeal to gamers in regions that primarily game on PCs.

Lastly, this could also lead to more funding for Xbox and Windows 10 exclusives.

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AEGRO said:
Mr Puggsly said:

Cool, more people get to play great games.
I did the math... PC gamers + console gamers = more gamers

Not console gamers, Xbox gamers. 

My math says +PC sales -Xbox sales

It goes to the same pocket, but im afraid about the future of the Xbox brand as a console. 

I Still think that their biggest mistake was Purchase Minecraft, for 2.5 Billions of US$, afters Years of Release, if Xbox, and Microsoft's Gaming Division, have the same Pocket, so this wasn't good for the Brand.

Forza Horizon 3 please">"><img src="