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AEGRO said:
SvennoJ said:

Aren't consoles sales supposed to be at their lowest in March?
Is enough of the main stream even following this to make such an impact on sales?

I can imagine that stories of Quantum break on XBox One in 720p vs 4K on Win 10, followed by Forza in 4K on Win 10 with a free version doesn't exactly promote XBox One consoles. (I know it's re projected to 1080p, yet 720p stigma persists)
Maybe MS should promote PC games coming to XBox One a bit more. The way things are presented now feels rather one directional.

I dont know man...i mean, i have been following the Amazon charts for a while now, and this month i have been noticing that the Xbox One price drop didnt affect the console at all, i would say that after the price cut the sales have slowed a little bit.

It is fucking weird, there must be a reasons behind this but as of rigt now i cant find too mcuh sense in this situation.

If you ask me, i would say that these PC ports have to be affecting the sales, they got to be!

It's still a while until NDP results, but maybe VR hype is adding to the effect, Occulus pre sold out, Vive pre sold out, PSVR pre sold out, can't deny that's generating some buzz. With XBox One games going to PC, PC or PS4 seems to be the best place to go to atm.
Add reports that MS is planning to upgrade XBox One hardware (by Phil Spencer, no just rumors), even less reason to buy one now.