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Forums - Movies & TV - Batman Vs Superman is at 872.66 million WW- Final update, with some DVD/Blu-Ray sale charts



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See results 2 6.67%
Madword said:
Affleck was on a UK chat show and to be fair he looked like a beaten man, while Cavil (sp) was looking happy and ok (he's probably accepted hate, while Affleck seemed surprised that people might not like him as batman - he even stated this himself).

Glad the film is doing better than reviews, because after films like Jurassic World did well and did good for reviews, I have no respect for film reviewers at all :D

Except even in the poor reviews, he's generally considered the best part of the movie. I think he's more disappointed with how the film overall was recieved critically.

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TheGoldenBoy said:
Madword said:
Affleck was on a UK chat show and to be fair he looked like a beaten man, while Cavil (sp) was looking happy and ok (he's probably accepted hate, while Affleck seemed surprised that people might not like him as batman - he even stated this himself).

Glad the film is doing better than reviews, because after films like Jurassic World did well and did good for reviews, I have no respect for film reviewers at all :D

Except even in the poor reviews, he's generally considered the best part of the movie. I think he's more disappointed with how the film overall was recieved critically.

He is right to be disappointed by people , when you see such reviews, you lose hope for mankind

Predictions for end of 2014 HW sales:

 PS4: 17m   XB1: 10m    WiiU: 10m   Vita: 10m


OttoniBastos said:
I guess it will drop like a rock next week! WoM don't affect the OW but it does in second one and the WoM is being pretty bad.

WOM is good. Just look at this thread. Look at user scores.

I hope they use that money to make a better film next time.

CPU: Ryzen 7950X
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Epic movie!!.. dont deserve those critics!! amazing numbers anayway for the JL part 1 and maybe 2 :D

In Sony We Trust!


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Batman v Superman is an excellent movie if you love comics. If you are a casual movie viewer, the general consensus seems to be that the movie is okay. 


The bashing it gets seems to mostly come from American critics. The religious symbolism and philosophical themes seems to be off putting for them. It seems they were hoping for some mindless fun, similar to what can be found in an Avengers movie. That's not to say all Marvel properties are mindless fun; Daredevil and Jessica Jones have been well established and are excellent adaptions. 


Other complaints indicate that the reviewers have the attention span of a gold fish.


If you like Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Returns, you will love this movie.


I honestly cannot stand the fanboy wars. Why can't people just accept that both Marvel and DC are both doing different things? They are both good, and they both cover different themes. Also, Batman is meant to be dark and gritty. He witnessed his parents death when he was a child, the city he lives in is overrun by corrupt companies and criminals. The city is called Gotham. Look at Tim Burton's movies even - Gotham is gothic. 


DC is meant to be darker. DC means Detective Comics. They get into the more gritty side of things. Joker tortures people, Killercroc eats people alive etc. If you are going in expecting a comedy, you are ill-informed. Batman is not campy, the Adam West Batman and the awful Joel Schumacher films are terrible interpretations of Batman.


Also, since when was Christopher Nolan's Batman the only canon Batman? Hell even he killed, but people seem to be too stupid to notice. The only Nolan movie that got rave reviews was The Dark Knight. This would not have been the case if Heath Ledger was still alive. The Dark Knight Rises got negative reviews for not being funny enough, last I looked, its humour was on par with The Dark Knight, the humour was almost non-existent in both films. I can guarantee that if Tom Hardy died, the movie would have been hailed as a masterpiece. 

Film critics seem to dislike DC films for the most part. They seem to have the impression that comic book movie adaptions should not have any philosophical themes. This is silly. This belittles the comics themselves. The comics tackle political agendas even. Green Arrow labels The Flash a fascist, there have been many comics reflecting upon World War II and other such events. There are comics in which the characters come to grips with death, people tearing them down, political campaigns etc. 

I am by no means saying that the movie is perfect, no movie is. I am saying people should be critical based on reason. What I mean by this is, look at IGN's coverage of Kingdom Hearts. They get people to cover the games, who have no knowledge of said games. These people will then go on to review them and mark the game down because they do not know what is going on, however, if they had played the previous games, this would not be a problem. And yes, the reviewers have admitted to not playing the previous entries. This to me is not professional. If someone is unable to give an informed review on something, they should review something else that they are more better suited to.

It would be like hiring the only guy on your team to review Spiderman, you know this guy hates Spiderman, but lets get him to review it anyway. You are going to get a very biased review. That's not to say you can't review something that you don't like. For example, I like Comic books and their film adaptations, however, the Catwoman film was awful. Comicbook fans for the most part will agree. So if you like a specific genre, you are more justified in pointing out when there is a deviation within said genre that is bad. Whereas say if you do not like any drama film, you are always going to give a negative review, and your review does not offer any insight to audiences who like drama films. It just seems absurd reviewing a genre you don't like, or a specific entity that you have a bias against. It is the same if you had a videogame fanboy who bashed anything that outside of their preferred platform. Their dislike to the other platforms has no reasoning behind it, they just want to see them fail so their preferred platform 'wins'.

That is essentially what the reviews for this movie seems to be. There is a lot of comparisons being made between this and Marvel. For example: IGN even states in their review that you should just wait for the next Marvel film. Why can't people just enjoy both Marvel and DC without some sort of dick waving contest?

Great numbers for a movie that supposedly sucks. I gotta go see it myself.

Toxy said:

Batman v Superman is an excellent movie if you love comics. If you are a casual movie viewer, the general consensus seems to be that the movie is okay. 


The bashing it gets seems to mostly come from American critics. The religious symbolism and philosophical themes seems to be off putting for them. It seems they were hoping for some mindless fun, similar to what can be found in an Avengers movie. That's not to say all Marvel properties are mindless fun; Daredevil and Jessica Jones have been well established and are excellent adaptions. 


Other complaints indicate that the reviewers have the attention span of a gold fish.


If you like Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Returns, you will love this movie.


I honestly cannot stand the fanboy wars. Why can't people just accept that both Marvel and DC are both doing different things? They are both good, and they both cover different themes. Also, Batman is meant to be dark and gritty. He witnessed his parents death when he was a child, the city he lives in is overrun by corrupt companies and criminals. The city is called Gotham. Look at Tim Burton's movies even - Gotham is gothic. 


DC is meant to be darker. DC means Detective Comics. They get into the more gritty side of things. Joker tortures people, Killercroc eats people alive etc. If you are going in expecting a comedy, you are ill-informed. Batman is not campy, the Adam West Batman and the awful Joel Schumacher films are terrible interpretations of Batman.


Also, since when was Christopher Nolan's Batman the only canon Batman? Hell even he killed, but people seem to be too stupid to notice. The only Nolan movie that got rave reviews was The Dark Knight. This would not have been the case if Heath Ledger was still alive. The Dark Knight Rises got negative reviews for not being funny enough, last I looked, its humour was on par with The Dark Knight, the humour was almost non-existent in both films. I can guarantee that if Tom Hardy died, the movie would have been hailed as a masterpiece. 

Film critics seem to dislike DC films for the most part. They seem to have the impression that comic book movie adaptions should not have any philosophical themes. This is silly. This belittles the comics themselves. The comics tackle political agendas even. Green Arrow labels The Flash a fascist, there have been many comics reflecting upon World War II and other such events. There are comics in which the characters come to grips with death, people tearing them down, political campaigns etc. 

I am by no means saying that the movie is perfect, no movie is. I am saying people should be critical based on reason. What I mean by this is, look at IGN's coverage of Kingdom Hearts. They get people to cover the games, who have no knowledge of said games. These people will then go on to review them and mark the game down because they do not know what is going on, however, if they had played the previous games, this would not be a problem. And yes, the reviewers have admitted to not playing the previous entries. This to me is not professional. If someone is unable to give an informed review on something, they should review something else that they are more better suited to.

It would be like hiring the only guy on your team to review Spiderman, you know this guy hates Spiderman, but lets get him to review it anyway. You are going to get a very biased review. That's not to say you can't review something that you don't like. For example, I like Comic books and their film adaptations, however, the Catwoman film was awful. Comicbook fans for the most part will agree. So if you like a specific genre, you are more justified in pointing out when there is a deviation within said genre that is bad. Whereas say if you do not like any drama film, you are always going to give a negative review, and your review does not offer any insight to audiences who like drama films. It just seems absurd reviewing a genre you don't like, or a specific entity that you have a bias against. It is the same if you had a videogame fanboy who bashed anything that outside of their preferred platform. Their dislike to the other platforms has no reasoning behind it, they just want to see them fail so their preferred platform 'wins'.

That is essentially what the reviews for this movie seems to be. There is a lot of comparisons being made between this and Marvel. For example: IGN even states in their review that you should just wait for the next Marvel film. Why can't people just enjoy both Marvel and DC without some sort of dick waving contest?

I love you man.

Predictions for end of 2014 HW sales:

 PS4: 17m   XB1: 10m    WiiU: 10m   Vita: 10m


Bristow9091 said:

I actually sat and read all of this, and despite not seeing the film yet, I completely agree with you... gonna' be watching it on Wednesday, and honestly, I can't bloody wait! :D

Thanks for reading the whole thing! It was actually meant to be shorter, but once I started writing I couldn't stop haha.

I am glad that the movie is doing well despite ignorant critics. It seems that actual fans of said comics enjoy this movie. I have heard some of their critiques and for the most part, their critical analysis of the movie is fair. Despite this, they still like the movie. It seems that some of their complaints will be fixed in the DVD/Bluray release anyway (it includes more scenes and is rated R in the states).

Most of the complaints being spoilerfree tend to consist of Doomsday being introduced too early into the mix. People say that they should have saved him for later on. Lex Luthor's motivations aren't entirely clear and little nitpicks like that. Wonderwoman and Batman seem to be the main highlights, so keep a lookout for them kicking ass!

Plus there are a lot of reviews of bad faith, saying Batman kills too much in the movie is a huge hyperbole, all deaths are indirect in reality ( this point is important, because some critics seem a bit brainless and didnt understand the movie or slept during some parts, dreaming about killing someone doesnt make you a murderer, it's just a dream), he is far from a punisher, in fact, he doesnt kill more than all the other Batman in the others movies.

So this leads me to believe reviewers try to kill the hype for this movie as much as they can, i have no other way to explain such lies and bad faith.

Predictions for end of 2014 HW sales:

 PS4: 17m   XB1: 10m    WiiU: 10m   Vita: 10m