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Bristow9091 said:

I actually sat and read all of this, and despite not seeing the film yet, I completely agree with you... gonna' be watching it on Wednesday, and honestly, I can't bloody wait! :D

Thanks for reading the whole thing! It was actually meant to be shorter, but once I started writing I couldn't stop haha.

I am glad that the movie is doing well despite ignorant critics. It seems that actual fans of said comics enjoy this movie. I have heard some of their critiques and for the most part, their critical analysis of the movie is fair. Despite this, they still like the movie. It seems that some of their complaints will be fixed in the DVD/Bluray release anyway (it includes more scenes and is rated R in the states).

Most of the complaints being spoilerfree tend to consist of Doomsday being introduced too early into the mix. People say that they should have saved him for later on. Lex Luthor's motivations aren't entirely clear and little nitpicks like that. Wonderwoman and Batman seem to be the main highlights, so keep a lookout for them kicking ass!