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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nikkei: Nintendo ceasing Wii U production at the end of the year

Good riddance.

*Pets Wii U affectionately*

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TheLastStarFighter said:
I think this makes it clear that NX will absorb Wii U, as indicated by Iwata. I think this will be an interesting transition, unlike any other. You may even see some NX games playable On Wii U.

Doubt it. 

Nintendo could have made some Wii games playable on the GameCube too, but they opted not to. Because they kinda, sorta want you to buy new hardware. 

Soundwave said:
I wonder if this kinda confirms Pikmin 4 as a NX title.

We know from SuperMetalDave that there's only one more Wii U title from Nintendo coming this year and that's Paper Mario.

No point in releasing Pikmin 4 next year for Wii U as production will be halted by then.

So I'd guess at least Zelda + Pikmin 4 in the NX launch window.

That was confirmed for me the second the rumor came out, as I also believed the Paper Mario Rumor. No way they'll still release first party games like that on Wii U in 2017.

Soundwave said:
TheLastStarFighter said:
I think this makes it clear that NX will absorb Wii U, as indicated by Iwata. I think this will be an interesting transition, unlike any other. You may even see some NX games playable On Wii U.

Doubt it. 

Nintendo could have made some Wii games playable on the GameCube too, but they opted not to. Because they kinda, sorta want you to buy new hardware. 

^this, I'm shure NX will have one of the strongest First Party lineups in recent memory with ZeldaU+Pikmin+WiiSportsishTitle+Stuff

Einsam_Delphin said:
Miyamotoo said:

Dont agree, we cant know if Color Splash is qualtiy game, and dont think its same tier like Amiibo Festival and Ultra Smash.


Speak for yourself, anyone who's played Sticker Star already knows. 

Color Splash isnt Sticker Star, you cant say that Color Splash is bad game when we saw only one small video.

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FromDK said:
Miyamotoo said:

Wii U like platform is dead, there is no point to through additional resources on dead platform when they will have complete new platform.They will release on Wii U only what they already announced for Wii U.

I could see some (former WiiU) games being very easy to port to WiiU.. and not reqiure much "additional resources"..

And Why not.. keep promise.. make money.. Win Win.. :)

They will keep promise, Pikmin 4 was never actually announced, especially like Wii U game.

Hiku said:
Luke888 said:

^this, I'm shure NX will have one of the strongest First Party lineups in recent memory with ZeldaU+Pikmin+WiiSportsishTitle+Stuff

Pretty sure it will have a new version of Smash WiiU as well. Not only because it makes tons of sense after how much money they spent on all the liscenses for that game, but mainly because 5 or so supposed reliable sources reported it to someone who has been right about these things in the past.

oh yeah, I remember predicting this a while ago. people were pretty negative about the possibility...

Luke888 said:

^this, I'm shure NX will have one of the strongest First Party lineups in recent memory with ZeldaU+Pikmin+WiiSportsishTitle+Stuff

I doubt it will lauch with Pikmin. That's how software droughts happen. There's literally no need to have Pikmin 4 there at launch with Smash and Zelda. They'll likely have Pikmin 4 come out in early 2017. Notice how not-droughty the Wii U's 2016 line up is right now. This is what they want for NX, if not more. There's no point wasting a time filler like Pikmin 4 at lauch when Zelda and a smash rebundle will be more than enough to give NX a successful launch. Pikmin 4 in mid-late February would be the smartest move if it's ready.

Unless you're not talking gabout launch line up, in which case lol wut? No that isn't one of the best first party line ups in recent memory.

Its a good system price drop should be here soon so If you ever wanted one Id say grab it now while the good games on it stay relatively cheap.

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A significant portion of my soul died with the first "SMT X FE" footage reveal.

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Hiku said:

Wii U 1.5 confirmed.

Get ready for the "one and a half Wii Us duck-taped together" memes.