mjk45 said:
teigaga said:
I know people who felt forced to get an Xbox One so they could play their friends in COD etc. This will likely benefit sony more then Microsoft considering Xbox Live has been a bigger selling point for them then PSN has been for Playsatation... but for once it'd be nice to just look at things from a consumer standpoint and not as a console war. This is great news for gamers.
teigaga nailed it, if all his posts are like this then you should go to him for advise Ruler , or you could be like me and just do a copy and paste and take the credit.
No. He's wrong. God help me, but this is the first time I've ever agreed with anything Ruler has said. XBLA or PSN has nothing to do with it. This is a phenomena that has driven console sales for generations. For example, if you're on the fence about buying a console, and all your friends own a PS4, if you at all care about multiplayer you're pretty much compelled to go with a PS4 as well, even if you kinda prefer XBone. Then, your cousin from out of state wants to play COD with you, so he goes and buys a PS4, and on and on it goes, leading to a snowball effect, lining Sony's pockets and ensuring M$ is never able to regain market share.
Now, I don't agree that Sony should back down from cross platform support, because that'd be an incredibly shitty thing to do, but I can't really see what Sony has to gain from allowing cross platform play with Xbox this generation -- besides good PR, which, admittedly, does have some inestimable monetary value.