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Forums - Gaming Discussion - My prediction of Xenoblade Chronicles X was true.

binary solo said:
Bayonetta 2, fatal frame, and this. All got hyped as going to be big on Wii U and push hardware.

I never saw anybody suggest that Fatal Frame would be a big hit or a major hardware mover.

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I'd say it's too son to say that. We don't know how well it's sold digitally, and I don't think XCX would be very far away when all it's said and done. I think it's very good for a game like this, in a 12M user base. It's the most hardcore RPG Nintendo has released in a while, it definitely doesn't have mainstream appeal.

Hmmm... not really. It's sitting at 760k without digital sales according to VGC. Let's be pessimistic and say digital attach rate is only about 10%... that would put it above 800k. So it would need to sell less than 15k (average) per month to reach 1m... by the end of the year. So yeah, it will probably surpass 1m. :o

Bet with Teeqoz for 2 weeks of avatar and sig control that Super Mario Odyssey would ship more than 7m on its first 2 months. The game shipped 9.07m, so I won

It's probably pretty close to that already including digital. But yeah, sure, it's not gonna sell a million.

You should check out my YouTube channel, The Golden Bolt!  I review all types of video games, both classic and modern, and I also give short flyover reviews of the free games each month on PlayStation Plus to tell you if they're worth downloading.  After all, the games may be free, but your time is valuable!

Dissapointing but Monolith's games never sell very well when you look at their recent endeavours with xenoblade and baten kaitos. Game is awesome I play a few quests every day and I am level 27 in game. It is definitely a monster of a game.

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Bandorr said:
Nintation360 said:

Well I predicted that Xenoblade Chronicles X WON'T sell over 1 Million times and I was right! I really wanted the Xenoblade series to have a much larger fanbase! It's been almost a month now and we only seen about 10k rise in sales. So I'm confirming myself it won't ever sell 1 Million lifetime.

I didn't get the game myself because I was interested in getting other games at the time. and I probably won't ever get it unless it recieves a price drop on a sale or something.  

You wanted them to have a much larger fanbase.. you just didn't want to be part of that fanbase.


Nautilus said:
Wont reach 1 Million?lol

First, the game has just launched about 3 months ago and you are already saying that?Give it more time.A year at least.As we all know, Nintendo games have legs, and this will be no exception.Slow legs, but it has.

Second:It is already at 760k physical only.Digital numbers should be significant.For example, we know that in Japan the game has sold at least 30k(actuaslly is 23k, but to make the number more pretty, raised to 30k).And thats just the number of around 1 month worth of sale.Imagine if you put the rest of Japan digital sales and the rest of the world.The number should be closer to 900k.

Third:Its been 3 months for gods sake.DK TF took a while to get past 1 million didnt it?Or Captain Toad.Or Pikmin 3.Give it time.

The question you should be asking is how much further from 1 million can it make.Unfortunally not that much, but hey, who knows



Pocky Lover Boy! 

Want the game to have large users base, but don't want to get it, wait till it's price drop, especially Nintendo game rarely get a price drop, except maybe Nintendo select, but perhaps this game will get a price cut in next three years, good luck waiting 

I suppose it's a bit much to expect that people wouldn't be so concerned with sales numbers on a site that is about sales numbers, but whatever the case, it's a bit early to say that you're right on your predictions. Lots of games get to 1m rather slowly. Bayonetta 2 looks like it'll be a perfect example of that, since VGC has it on around 0.98m now. XCX could well do the same thing, especially since it's sold better so far than a lot of other games managed in their first couple of months (including Bayonetta 2 and a couple of million-sellers).

So all of a sudden legs don't count? No. You weren't right. And you will never be right until it's lets just say at minimum 5 years later and it still hasn't surpassed it.

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If you wanna support the game, buy the game sooner or later. The only way to get it at a lower price is buying it used or being lucky in getting a discount. Nintendo games rarely get a price drop (whether its controlled by Nintendo or not). Xenoblade Chronicles got up in price over the years until it got a European VC release so I doubt X will be any different unless it reaches at least close to a million to be considered as part of the Nintendo Selects.

As for reaching 1 million, I'd say wait and see since its still early. Do you know how long it took Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze to get to a million or even Pikmin 3? Yeah..